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Critique of Research Studies: Results, Discussion and Global Issues

Essay Instructions:

When turning in the final submission, please arrange the elements in the following order: Quantitative Article Critique, Qualitative Article Critique, References (should include the two articles, the text, and any other additional sources).

Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center. An abstract is not required.

Critique of Research Studies - Part 3: Due Topic 8

For Part 3 of the critique, focus only on the following segments for each article:

Quantitative Qualitative

• Results • Results

o Data analysis o Data analysis

o Reliability and validity o Theoretical integrations

• Discussion • Discussion

o Interpretation of findings o Interpretation of the findings

o Implications/Recommendations o Implications/Recommendations

• Global Issues • Global Issues

o Presentation o Presentation

o Researcher credibility o Researcher credibility

o Summary assessment o Summary assessment


14.0 %Quantitative Results: Data analysis and findings. Critique thoroughly addresses all guidelines and criteria for each of the quantitative results components. Critique is supported with relevant evidence.

11.0 %Quantitative Discussion: Interpretation of the findings and implications/recommendations. Critique thoroughly addresses all guidelines and criteria for each of the quantitative discussion components. Critique is supported with relevant evidence.

10.0 %Quantitative Global Issues: Presentation, researcher credibility, and summary assessment. Critique thoroughly addresses all guidelines and criteria for each of the quantitative global issues components. Critique is supported with relevant evidence.

14.0 %Qualitative Results: Data analysis, findings, and theoretical integrations. Critique thoroughly addresses all guidelines and criteria for each of the qualitative results components. Critique is supported with relevant evidence.

11.0 %Qualitative Discussion: Interpretation of the findings and implications/recommendation. Critique thoroughly addresses all guidelines and criteria for each of the quantitative discussion components. Critique is supported with relevant evidence.

10.0 %Qualitative Global Issues: Presentation, researcher credibility, and summary assessment. Critique thoroughly addresses all guidelines and criteria for each of the qualitative discussion components. Critique is supported with relevant evidence.

20.0 %Mechanics of Writing (includes spelling, punctuation, grammar, and language use). The writer is clearly in command of standard, written academic English.

5.0 %Paper Format (1- inch margins; 12-point-font; double-spaced; Times New Roman, Arial, or Courier). All format elements are correct.

5.0 %Research Citations (In-text citations for paraphrasing and direct quotes, and reference page listing and formatting, as appropriate to assignment). In-text citations and a reference page are complete. The documentation of cited sources is free of error.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Critique of Research Studies Part 3
Student Name:
Course Title:
Critique of Research Studies
About data analysis, Oh and Gastmans (2015) undertook analyses to address five research questions. Given the level of measurement of the variables, the researchers employed suitable statistical techniques. Appropriate measures were taken by the investigators to minimize Type I as well as Type II errors. The findings of the study have been summarized satisfactorily with the good use of figures and tables. The results are both valid and reliable. Reliability essentially implies the repeatability, stability, as well as the consistency of the results. The results are also valid since the measuring instrument used by the researchers measured what they were designed to measure.
Regarding the interpretation of the findings, Oh and Gastmans (2015) have interpreted and clearly discussed all the main findings of the study within the context of earlier research and also within the conceptual framework of their research study, namely the Moral Distress Model developed by Wilkinson. The interpretations are consistent with the results of the study. They are also within the limitations of the study. The researchers have also addressed the issue of generalizability of their study findings; that is, their findings can be generalized to a larger population.
Concerning implications/recommendations, Oh and Gastmans (2015) have discussed the implications of their research study for further research. In particular, they have stated that according to the findings of their review of extant literature on the moral distress that nursing staffs experience, many nursing personnel experiences moral distress linked to complicated patient care situations. Such nurses also frequently feel the burnout. This could negatively impact their professional position. The researchers put forward that there is a need for additional research to look into worksite strategies that can be used for supporting nursing staffs in these situations and for developing strategies that can be utilized to tackle the issue of moral distress (Oh & Gastmans, 2015). These implications are both complete are reasonable.
Global Issues
About presentation, the quantitative article is well-organized and well-written. Oh and Gastmans (2015) also wrote this article in a way that makes the findings accessible to practicing nurse professionals. Regarding researchers credibility, the methodological and clinical experience and qualifications of the two researchers serve to increase confidence in the findings of their research study as well as their interpretation. Concerning the summary assessment, the findings of the study seem valid despite the limitations of their research. I do have confidence in the results’ truth value. Lastly, this quantitative research contributes important evidence which can be utilized within the nursing discipline as well as practice. Specifically, it shows that nurse professionals experience a fairly intense level of moral distress, but a relatively low frequency of moral distress. While experiences that are morally distressing might be infrequent, such experiences might have big impact whenever they happen (Oh & Gastmans, 2015).<...
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