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Critically Appraising Quantitative Studies Analyzing Validity and Usefulness of Findings

Essay Instructions:

Topic 3 DQ 2
What factors must be assessed when critically appraising quantitative studies (e.g., validity, reliability, and applicability)? Which is the most important? Why?
Re:Topic 3 DQ 2
Critical appraisal of various types of research centers on 3 questions:
a) Are the results valid?
b) What are the results?
c) Will the results help me in caring for my patients? (O'Rourke & Booth, 2000 in Melnyk & Fineout-Overholt, 2011, p. 83).
The ability to interpret studies and their applicability is what critical appraisal is about. The study method quality is affected by the validity and reliability. If results of the study are not valid and / or reliable, the study could be flawed. If a study has too many flaws, it can be declined as evidence, meaning that the results are not useful or applicable to practice. The clinical and statistical significance should also be evaluated and interpreted for their clinical impact. The numbers don't lie.
I believe applicability to practice is the most important factor when performing a critical appraisal of quantitative literature. If the validity and reliability are excellent, mediocre or poor, the main purpose of EBP is how applicable are the results to help me care for my patients. If the study results are not applicable to my practice, why would I initiate a change that could fail? That would be a waste of time, personnel and possibly money
Melnyk, B. & Fineout-Overholt, E. (2011). Evidence-Based Practice in Nursing & Healthcare:A Guide to Best Practice, (2nd). Philadelphia, PA. Wolters Kluwer Health / Lippincott Williams & Wilkins.

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Evidence-Based Practice
Course Title:
Evidence-Based Practice
Critical appraising refers to an organized process applied to find out the strength and weaknesses of a research article with an aim of analyzing the validity and usefulness of a research finding. Several factors such as the applicability, reliability and validity of the source, have to be considered when critically appraising quantitative studies. Studying these factors enables health practitioners to evaluate the research study purely on its own merits, putting aside their personal prejudices concerning the source or its nature (OPHLA.ca, 2014). Nowadays, nursing practice is progressively becoming more evidence-based, and therefore, requiring the practice to be based on sound research. All nurses, therefore, have to be able to critically appraise research to ensure the best practice.
The factors considered in critical appraising are essential in assessing a research study, but the most important factor is reliability. This refers to the trustworthy of the findings. The trustworthiness of the finding looks at the probability that the stud...
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