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Health, Medicine, Nursing
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Critical Thinking Indicators

Essay Instructions:

Purpose – The purpose of this assignment is to give you the opportunity to practice two key elements of critical thinking:

1. Thinking ahead – being proactive and anticipating what you might be doing and

2. Thinking back – reflective thinking for the purpose of growth and improvements.

Learning Outcomes: After completion of the assignment, you will:

1. Gain an understanding of behaviors that promote critical thinking, as well as the importance of thinking ahead and thinking back over experiences to improve your thinking and performance.

2. Have a “paper trail” that documents your own perspective on progress on developing critical thinking behaviors.

3. Give your instructor examples of your critical thinking progress.


1. Review the Critical Thinking Indicators found on pages 9-10 in your textbook.

2. Thinking ahead - using the template provided, identify 5 Critical Thinking Indicators that you are most comfortable with when faced with a situation requiring judgement.

a. Why did you chose these indicators?

3. Work through the provided case study (you will be graded on the use of your thinking skills to assist with the situation)

4. Thinking back - after the case study, reflect on what happened,

a. Did you actually have the opportunity to utilize the Critical Thinking Indicators that you identified in the second instruction?

b. Identify the Critical Thinking Indicators you actually used and why.

c. Identify factors that supported your ability to think critically.

d. Identify factors that impacted your ability to think critically .

e. Identify strategies for improvement.

Case study # 1:

You are a nurse caring for an 87-year-old retired teacher who underwent hip replacement surgery 2 weeks ago and has transferred to your rehabilitation unit for physical therapy and nursing care until she is physically able to return home. Before her surgery, she lived alone, maintained an immaculately clean house, and was very socially active, with several events scheduled throughout her week. She travelled extensively but limited her personal driving to daylight hours. Upon admission to your rehab unit, the patient wonders aloud how she’ll return to her former lifestyle and who will help her. How should you assist the patient to facilitate maximal health and quality of life?

Case study #2:

You are a nurse caring for a patient who has an extensive history of peripheral vascular disease, resulting in frequent surgeries for the purpose of revascularizing her lower extremities with the intent of avoiding amputations, if possible. This is your patient’s third surgery this year; she has been brought to your step-down unit for postoperative recovery. While implementing the surgeon’s orders, you note several conditions that require the surgeon’s immediate attention. Upon calling the surgeon, he indicates that he will address these issues tomorrow. As a nurse advocate, how would you represent your patient?

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Student’s Name
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Case study #1:
To facilitate the patient's recovery, my initial approach would be to provide empathy and reassurance, acknowledging that post-surgery anxiety is not uncommon. In collaboration with the physical therapist, I would ensure that the patient is well informed about the rehabilitation process, with clearly articulated goals to work towards. Understanding the patient's anxieties related to returning home is key, and thus I would actively engage in dialogue with her to ascertain any resources or support she may require. My ultimate goal is to work in partnership with the patient, devising a care plan tailored to her needs that will foster independence.
This case study demonstrates the efficacy of my critical thinking skills. By utilizing my problem-solving, decision-making, and judgment aptitude, I collaborated with the patient to devise a personalized care plan tailored to her needs. This customized approach ultimately resulted in a more effective care plan that addressed her concerns and goals (Toney-Butler & Thayer, 2022). My commitment to patient- and family-centered care enabled me to empathize with the patient's concerns and provide the necessary resources for a successful transition home. My ability to coordinate with the physical therapist and other rehabilitation team members was crucial in ensuring that the patient received the best possible care. Additionally, my clinical teaching and learning skills allowed me to educate the patient in a manner that reduced her anxiety and stress levels during her hospital stay.
Several factors bolstered my capacity for critical thinking; prior experience working with rehabilitation patients, for example, provided me with a foundation to draw. Additionally, my knowledge of critical thinking indicators and my collaborative relationship with the physical therapist and other rehabilitation team members bolstered my critical thinking abilities. However, some factors may have impeded my ability to think critically, such as the patient's anxiety and concerns. These factors could have clouded my judgment. Moving forward, I intend to address these challenges by ...
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