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How Critical Thinking is Used in Clinical Nursing and How it Relates to Competence

Essay Instructions:

Critical Thinking
Recall your early clinical nursing experiences—what guided your decisions? Did you practice nursing ‘by the book'? Now, consider how you make decisions today. How have your clinical experiences fostered a greater depth of knowledge and critical thinking?
This week's Learning Resources explore skill development and levels of knowledge acquisition based on clinical experience. For example, Benner suggests that as a nurse gains more experience, knowledge and skill level increases. Nurses move from novices—making decisions based on rules—to experts who are able to see connections between actions and outcomes using critical thinking. This Discussion focuses on the role of critical thinking in nursing practice and the connection between critical thinking, clinical competence, and scholarship.
To prepare:
Review the Learning Resources focusing on critical thinking and Benner's interpretation of the Novice to Expert theory.
Reflect on how critical thinking is used in clinical practice. How does critical thinking relate to, or support, clinical competence?
What critical thinking strategies do you use to improve your clinical competence and thus move from novice to expert?
Consider the connection between critical thinking, nursing practice, and scholarship.
Post your observations on how critical thinking is used in clinical practice (provide examples); how you employ critical thinking strategies to improve clinical competence; and your thoughts on the connections between critical thinking, scholarship, and practice.
Support your Discussion assignment with specific resources used in its preparation using APA formatting. You are asked to provide a reference for all resources, including those in the Learning Resources for this course: Critical Thinking, Reading, and Analysis
As you explored in previous weeks, the ability to think critically is an essential aspect of scholarship.
To be effective as a scholar-practitioner, you must also understand how this skill pertains to your professional practice. What is the relationship between critical thinking and clinical competency? How will you apply effective critical thinking strategies in your practice setting?
This last week, you examine critical thinking and its application in nursing practice.
Learning Objectives
Students will:
Explain the relationship between critical thinking and clinical competency
Analyze the connection between critical thinking, clinical competence, and scholarship
Photo Credit: Vasiliki Varvaki/E+/Getty Images
Learning Resources
Note: To access this week's required library resources, please click on the link to the Course Readings List, found in the Course Materials section of your Syllabus.
Required Readings
Berkow, S., Virkstis, K., Stewart, J., Aronson, S., & Donohue, M. (2011). Assessing individual frontline nurse critical thinking. Journal of Nursing Administration, 41(4), 168–171. doi:10.1097/NNA.0b013e3182118528.
The authors of this article developed a tool to assess 25 critical thinking skills deemed necessary for frontline nurses.
Jenkins, S. (2011). Cross-cultural perspectives on critical thinking. Journal of Nursing Education, 50(5), 268–274. doi:10.3928/01484834-20110228-02.
This article seeks to further define common characteristics of critical thinking by exploring the influence of culture on its definition. They compare nursing students' perceptions of critical thinking from the United States with Thailand.
Zori, S., Nosek, L. J., & Musil, C. M. (2010). Critical thinking of nurse managers related to staff RNs' perceptions of the practice environment. Journal of Nursing Scholarship, 42(3), 305–313. doi:10.1111/j.1547-5069.2010.01354.x
When nurse leaders have strong critical thinking skills, it creates a better work environment for others. This article examines that influence and its impact on patient safety and delivering quality care.
Current Nursing. (2011). Nursing theories: A companion to nursing theories and models: From novice to expert. Retrieved from http://currentnursing(dot)com/nursing_theory/Patricia_Benner_From_Novice_to_Expert.html
This website outlines the Novice to Expert Theory, applied to nursing, by Patricia Benner.
Kaminski, J. (2010). Theory applied to informatics—Novice to expert. Canadian Journal of Nursing Informatics, 5(4). Retrieved from http://cjni(dot)net/journal/?p=967
Kaminski explains the Novice to Expert Theory and its application in nursing practice.
Marchigiano, G., Eduljee, N., & Harvey, K. (2011). Developing critical thinking skills from clinical assignments: A pilot study on nursing students' self-reported perceptions. Journal of Nursing Management, 19(1), 143–152. doi:10.1111/j.1365-2834.2010.01191.x. Retrieved from: https://www(dot)researchgate(dot)net/profile/Nina_Eduljee/publication/49744322_Developing_critical_thinking_skills_from_clinical_assignments_A_pilot_study_on_nursing_students'_self-reported_perceptions/links/55fc4fec08aec948c4b3424b.pdf
This article examines student experiences in the clinical setting that facilitate the development of critical thinking skills.
NSW Health. (2011). Benner's stages of clinical competence. Retrieved from http://www(dot)health(dot)nsw(dot)gov(dot)au/nursing/projects/Documents/novice-expert-benner.pdf
As you evaluate research articles, or information found on the Internet it is important to read the material with a critical eye
Recall your early clinical nursing experiences—what guided your decisions? Did you practice nursing ‘by the book'? Now, consider how you make decisions today. How.
Discussion: Critical Thinking have your clinical experiences fostered a greater depth of knowledge and critical thinking?
This week's Learning Resources explore skill development and levels of knowledge acquisition based on clinical experience. For example, Benner suggests that as a nurse gains more experience, knowledge and skill level increases. Nurses move from novices—making decisions based on rules—to experts who are able to see connections between actions and outcomes using critical thinking. This Discussion focuses on the role of critical thinking in nursing practice and the connection between critical thinking, clinical competence, and scholarship.
To prepare:
Review the Learning Resources focusing on critical thinking and Benner's interpretation of the Novice to Expert theory.
Reflect on how critical thinking is used in clinical practice. How does critical thinking relate to, or support, clinical competence?
What critical thinking strategies do you use to improve your clinical competence and thus move from novice to expert?
Consider the connection between critical thinking, nursing practice, and scholarship.
Post your observations on how critical thinking is used in clinical practice (provide examples); how you employ critical thinking strategies to improve clinical competence; and your thoughts on the connections between critical thinking, scholarship, and practice.
Support your Discussion assignment with specific resources used in its preparation using APA formatting. You are asked to provide a reference for all resources, including those in the Learning Resources for this course.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Critical Thinking
According to Zori, Nosek & Musil, (2010), critical thinking is defined as a disciplined and an intellectual process of applying an informed reasoning as a guide to action or belief. In nursing for instance, critical thinking is required for the purposes of making clinical decisions as it provides nurses with an ability to think in a systematic manner and in a logical manner. Nursing education mostly emphasizes on the critical thinking as an essential skill for the profession. For nursing students, critical thinking ought to be exercised within different contexts, which include writing of case studies, reviewing research, making reports for evaluation, making portfolio entries and making recommendations for improving provision of healthcare.
This paper explores how critical thinking is used in clinical nursing and how critical thinking relates to clinical competence.
Application of Critical Thinking in Clinical Nurse
Critical thinking is in clinical nursing a vital component for ensuring professional accountability and quality nursing care. Those nurses that are considered to be critical thinkers in nursing are those individuals who are confident, creative, flexible, inquisitive, intellectual with integrity, open-minded, persevering, and are capable of reflecting about issues. Critical thinking is important for nurses as it will enable them to practice some of the cognitive skills for analyzing situations, applying standards, for seeking information, as well as for transforming the knowledge. According to Zori, Nosek & Musil (2010), critical thinkers are skilful when applying their logical knowhow for sound reasoning. Thinking critically is quite important for clinical nursing for the purposes of gathering information, remembering details, organizing, integrating and also for evaluating purposes. It is quite important to note that there are some complex situations that would require nurses to think critically. As a nurse is increasing encountering more complex situations, he or she would be required to be a critical thinker so as to understand it means to be a nurse. A nurse is expected to think, deeply understand, more sophisticated way for comprehending of what it takes to be a nurse in a clinical practice. The other area where critical thinking is applicable in clinical nursing is for reflection, reasoning critically, and for professional verdict. Ability to reflect critically would enable a medical nurse to examine fundamental assumptions as well as to radically doubt or question the soundness of assertions, opinions, and reliability of the scenario. Although skills for thinking critically are quite fundamental for clinical nurses, these skills are not adequate for those nurses that are expected to decide on which action to be taken in some incidences to avoid patient injuries (...
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