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Health, Medicine, Nursing
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Crisis Situation Make Collaboration And Trust Stronger In A Group

Essay Instructions:

1.The author of the assigned article, "Shattuck Lecture: A Successful and Sustainable Health System -- How to Get There From Here"

(https://lopes(dot)idm(dot)oclc(dot)org/login?url=https://search-proquest-com(dot)lopes(dot)idm(dot)oclc(dot)org/docview/929159711?accountid=7374) maintains that a sustainable health system has three key attributes. What are these three key attributes and what recommendations are offered to ensure efficiency, sustainability, and optimal functioning? 2 references

2. How can a crisis situation make collaboration and trust stronger in a group? Why does this happen? How can staff development improve rapport among colleagues and build trust across departments? 2 references

please use the references from attached file

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Success/Sustain and Crisis
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Institutional Affiliation
Question 1
The key attributes of a sustainable health system include affordability, acceptability, and adaptability (Fineberg, 2012). The affordability attribute requires the system to provide affordable services to families, patients, employers, and the government. It is necessary for the system to recognize that the government relies on consumers and employees for resources. The system ought to embrace acceptability of the various constituents such as health professionals and patients and appreciate them accordingly. This includes the wellbeing of the medical practitioners in terms of fair remunerations and workloads. In regard to adaptability, the healthcare system should be ready to adopt to the changes in the world of healthcare needs. Such needs are not static because new diseases keep on being recorded. The healthcare system needs to research for medication to treat such diseases. As well, the changes in demographics and scientific discoveries calls for the healthcare system to adapt to the changes. In addition, dynamic technologies contribute to the need for a sustainable healthcare system to adapt to the various changes in the medical field for it to remain viable.
Also, efficiency, sustainability, and optimal functioning can be achieved by ensuring that the healthcare system advocates for health people through superior care and fairness. The need to have a healthy population would ensure efficiency on how the medical practitioners attend to patients. The superior care would ensure optimal functioning since each of the patients is entitled to timely and efficient medication. Sustainability would be created by the ability of the healthcare system to adapt to the changes in the medical world. This would make it easy for the system to provide better healthcare in the future as compared to what they are offering (Maeng, Graham, Graf, Liberman, Dermes, Tomcavage & Steele, 2012).
Question 2
A crisis situation can make collaboration and trust s...
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