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Creating Vision: Organization Change - John Hopkins Bayview Nursing Center

Essay Instructions:

In a written paper of 1,250-1,500 words, evaluate the current forces driving change in nursing . As a leader, or considering the role of a leader, assess nursing organization and evaluate how well it is responding to the forces, and identify where there is a need for change. Develop a vision to inspire this change. Include the following:

Describe nursing organization, include the organization's mission, and identify the various stakeholders.
Identify the external and internal forces that drive organizational change in nursing. Explain the origin or reason for these internal or external driving forces. Explain how these forces directly affect the viability of nursing.
Choose one of the driving forces. Describe the specific issues this driving force creates, or will potentially create, nursing.

Propose the steps needed for nursing organization to respond to this driving force.

Predict how employees at various levels in the nursing organization will respond to your proposed change initiative.

Develop a vision for change. Describe how this vision correlates with the organization's mission, and how you will present this vision to internal stakeholders.

Predict how you think your vision will assist internal stakeholders in supporting the change initiative. Identify potential considerations posed by stakeholders, and discuss how you will respond.

Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide.Include reference page.

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Organizational Change
Institutional Affiliation:
Organization Change
John Hopkins Bayview Nursing Center
Most of the hospitals globally are under the state of realignment, reorganization and re-engineering to fit the current social and technological healthcare environment. The John Hopkins Bayview Hospital has not been left behind as it is under realignment to become a premier center that offers high quality and compassionate services through the integration of contemporary organizational knowledge and skills. By utilizing collegiality, diversity, integrity, inclusion and leadership as its core values, the nursing organization has the vision of providing an enriching workplace for its workers and incomparable medical care experience for its customers (John Hopkins Bayview Medical Center, 2016). The realization of the vision originates from its dedication to provide advanced nursing and medical services to be deferential and those that reflect the qualities of effective medical care delivery model. The primary stakeholder groups are comprised of the Baltimore community residents, organization’s internal leadership and elected officials, faith-based organizations’ members and leaders from neighborhood associations.
Forces Driving Organization Change in Nursing
External forces
Nursing like business organizations is affected by external and internal forces that drive changes required for versatility. External forces that drive changes in the nursing sector include technology, competition turbulence, reimbursement changes, and social changes (Boykin, Schoenhofer, & Valentine, 2014).
Technology is the leading driving force for changes in the healthcare sector. Healthcare technology such as electronic record keeping, flexible computerized operations, and information systems which change over time forces an organization to adopt them to remain savvy with the digitization of health care delivery. Technology as a driving force challenges the organization to adopt for them to be responsive.
Competition turbulence
Competition turbulence is another force that triggers organizational change. The force originates from the need to shape competitive advantage over other rivals and are triggered by changes in medical research technology which an organization might not be aware hence forcing the organization to change to counter the revolution.
Reimbursement changes
Reimbursement changes as external forces that affect the viability of the nursing in terms of overhead costs. When the costs are higher, hospitals are forced to undergo changes to avert the losses that can result from unmanaged health care contracts. To avoid running at a loss, the nursing organization has to change the strategy of awarding contracts such that contracts can be awarded to better-managed organizations which are at will to offer similar services at lower prices.
Social changes
The need for social changes is another trigger for organizational change in nursing. It follows the need to adapt the digital strategy for marketing the services of an organization. Society thrives in a technological age where medical facilities are researched over the internet. Marketing of hospitals and nursing in the technologically savvy society is unthinkable without the application of the social media platforms which offers countless marketing tools needed by any modern healthcare enterprises. 
Internal forces
On the other hand, internal forces include workforce nature, deficiencies management personnel and managerial structure.
Workforce nature
The rapid changes in the workforce profile in the nursing sector are internal forces that trigger organizational realignment. The workforce profile in all industries is changing at an alarming rate and has resulted in changes in work values. Loyalty to employers also differs with the age groups of workers. It has been discovered that the baby Boomer generation workers are more loyal to themselves than to their careers than their counterparts between thirty and fifty years (Dawson, 2010). Therefore, due to workforce transitions, organizations are forced to undergo organizational changes to devise new loyalty schemes to their workers given that the younger generation workforce is more steadfast in their professions. Furthermore, the nature of the workforce is a driving force to organizational changes due to an increasing number of women in employment which forces the organization to change their hiring structure to accommodate gender diversity. In nursing organizations, diversification changes prompt the need for modification of hiring, promotion and transfer policies.
Deficiencies in management personnel and structure
Deficiencies in management personnel and structure is an internal force that triggers organizational changes. The deficiencies in nursing...
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