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Country Overview: Kenya

Essay Instructions:

This paper will choose a country NOT covered in this course--the paper that you chose in the discussion last week. In this paper, you will start to get to know a country, its people, and its population health status.
In no more than three pages (double-spaced) write a paper on the following:
Choose a country not covered in this class (ie, not on the syllabus as a topic).
Describe the physical attributes of the country (location, natural resources, climate, other geographic resources of note)
Describe the people. How big is the population? What are the common languages, religions, ethnic groups?
Describe the economy. Is it considered a high, middle, or low income country by the UN? What is its economy based on? How is it's economy structured?
Write your paper using a minimum of three sources. Remember that .com websites are not credible sources of information. APA citation format is required. You may find the following helpful:
Remember to use APA style for paper formatting and references cited. Please do not include an abstract or cover page.
**Note: You will need to write the entire three pages to do a thorough country overview. I suggest overwriting the paper into 4 pages, and then condensing to meet the 3-page requirement. Papers are graded on quality of content.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Kenya Overview
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Kenya Overview
Kenya is a country well-known for its vast wildlife preserves and scenic landscapes in East Africa. Indeed, it covers 580,367 square kilometers and has a population of 54,685,051 million, according to the World Bank. Most Kenyans reside in the highlands since the country’s terrain rises from the low coastal plain to plateaus and mountains. Kenyan has over 40 ethnic groups. The diverse cultures in Kenya are passed from one generation to another through stories, beliefs, songs, and customs. Although the official languages are English and Swahili, people speak other languages associated with their tribes. The paper focuses on Kenya’s physical attributes, population, religions, languages, economy, natural resources, climate, and ethnic groups.
Kenya has attractive physical attributes, a combination of its location, natural resources, climate, terrain, and other geographical resources. Kenya is found in East Africa. Ethiopia borders it on the north, Somalia on the eastside, the Indian Ocean on the southeast, Tanzania on the south, Uganda on the west, and South Sudan on the northwest (The Commonwealth, 2021). The coastline of Kenya is about 536 kilometers. The climate of the country varies from arid in the interior and tropical along the coast. Kenya is among the few countries along the equator, which means that it is warm throughout the year and does not experience summer, winter, spring, and autumn. Kenya’s terrain is low plains that are bisected by the Rift Valley. The highest altitude is on Mount Kenya, 5,199 meters above sea level, and the lowest is zero meters in the Indian Ocean. The primary natural resources found in Kenya are salt, limestone, fluorspar, soda ash, gypsum, zinc, gemstones, hydropower, wildlife, and diatomite (The World Factbook, 2021). Kenya’s unique geographical and physiographical resources support abundant wildlife. Moreover, the country shares Lake Victoria, the largest tropical lake, with Uganda and Tanzania. Furthermore, Kenya attracts more tourists from different parts of the world who visit to see wildlife and other geographical sceneries.
Kenya has a significant population and numerous ethnic groups. In that light, it means that individuals speak different languages since they come from distinct cultures. The country’s population is estimated to be over 54 million as of July 2021. The primary ethnic groups are Kikuyu (17.1%), Luo (10.7%), Luhya (14.3%), Somali (5.8%), Kalenjin (13.4%), Kisii (5.7%), Meru (4.2%), Mijikenda (5.2%), Turkana (2.1%), Maasai (2.5%), and others (9.2%) (The World Factbook, 2021). Although the official languages are Swahili and English, people speak indigenous languages. Kenya has diverse religions. Specifically, the majority of Kenyans are Christians, approximately 85.5%. Christianity comprises Catholics, Protestants, African Instituted Churches, and Evangel...
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