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Health, Medicine, Nursing
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Cost and Quality Analysis: Improving Quality While Controlling Costs

Essay Instructions:

In a paper of 500-1,000 words, describe the relationship between health care cost and quality. Address the following:
Select one public agency and one private agency and differentiate their roles and major activities in addressing cost and quality in health care. See Topic 4 readings for sources regarding health care agencies. 
Analyze current and projected initiatives to improve quality while simultaneously controlling costs. Describe any unintended consequences.
Synthesize implications for staff nurses and advanced practice nurses, including evidence-based practice, relative to cost and quality.
please Center for medicare and medicaid services and Joint commission

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Cost and Quality Analysis
The prevalent health inequalities between cost and quality are primarily used to determine the existing disparities in the quality of health care services. Recently, studies have determined the relationship between cost and quality in relation to healthcare (Jonathan, 2015). These inequalities in healthcare are primarily attributed to the fact that the American population all belong within social classes, a factor that results in social stratification in reference to the provision of quality healthcare as a result of the propagation by the society.
As a result of the low value in the provision of healthcare services in the United States, several studies have been conducted to determine the rationale behind these differences. These studies have therefore come up with ideas on the higher-intensity care with the aim of improving patient outcomes, a factor that has called into question the much that can be gained in mitigating these differences in a healthcare system (Sharma, Lebrun-Harris, & Ngo-Metzger, 2014). This paper therefore aims at determining the relationship between healthcare cost and quality.
The Differences in Roles and Major Activities between Center for Medicare and Medicaid Servicesand Joint Commission In Relation To Cost and Quality
It is relatively important to determine that since the Affordable Care Act turned out to be a law, the Centre for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) has strengthened its approaches in the delivery of cost effective and improved Medicare and Medicaid services to several Americans who rely on their systems. This approach as compared to other institutions ensures that the taxpayer’s monies are wisely spent with the aim of improving health care quality and in the control of healthcare costs (Sharma, et.al.2014). However, in comparison with this, the Joint Commission core measures slightly differs with that of CMS since this organization acts as a national and standardized entity that ensures the performance systems of health institutions are delivered within the provided frameworks. The Joint Commission therefore ensures that core measures within health institutions are promoted to meet the specific improvements that are aligned towards achieving the patient’s safety.
Recently, CMS undertook measures and initiatives that are geared towards changing the manner in which Medicare pays health institutions, medical personnel’s and other health care providers, with this goaled at providing high quality care that the consumers deserve at costs that the nation can meet. As a result of these changes, the Americans have the opportunity to access quality healthcare services by granting Medicare the required tools needed to ensure that costs are regulated and controlled (Sharma, et.al.2014). This has therefore shaped the manner in which doctors are rewarded in order to improve on quality. On the other hand, the Joint Commissions roles are centrally pegged on the dissemination of safety goals among other related quality guidelines, a factor that points out to the variations in th...
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