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Correlational Methods

Essay Instructions:
BHS 420 Module 5 SLP. ( My choosen topic was untended pregnancy. ) In this final SLP assignment, you will wrap up your literature review regarding your chosen topic. Choose 3 of the research articles from the literature review you have conducted throughout the session. 1. Write an introductory paragraph and state which topic you have been researching for the SLP. 2. Write 1 paragraph about each article. You should be able to use your previous papers to gather much of this information. Include the following: the title of the article who did the research the research procedure or design where and how the sample was obtained what procedures the research entailed a description of the results any confounding factors 2. Discuss which of your research studies seems to yield the most meaningful and valid results, and which seems to be the weakest or most questionable. Be sure to explain why think so, using the information you have learned in this course. 3. In another paragraph, remind me of your SLP research question and your hypothesis. Knowing what you've learned about correlations and confounding variables: (a) identify 1 correlation you would look for in your research. (b) Identify 2 possible confounding variables that would affect the research topic you have been focusing on throughout the SLP. 4. Close the paper with a concluding paragraph that summarizes what you have learned from the SLP assignments throughout the session. ASSIGNMENT EXPECTATIONS: Please read before completing assignments. Copy the actual assignment from this page onto the cover page of your paper (do this for all papers in all courses). Assignment should be approximately 2 pages in length (double-spaced). Please use major sections corresponding to the major points of the assignment, and where appropriate use sub-sections (with headings). Remember to write in a Scientific manner (try to avoid using the first person except when describing a relevant personal experience). Quoted material should not exceed 10% of the total paper (since the focus of these assignments is on independent thinking and critical analysis). Use your own words and build on the ideas of others. When material is copied verbatim from external sources, it MUST be properly cited. This means that material copied verbatim must be enclosed in quotes and the reference should be cited either within the text or with a footnote. Use of peer-reviewed articles is required. Websites as references should be minimal.
Essay Sample Content Preview:
Unintended pregnancy correlational methods Name: Institution: Date: For healthcare providers unintended pregnancy is a significant health matter, unintended pregnancies cause stress in the life of mothers regardless of whether there is abortion at the early stages of pregnancies or termination at the time of birth. Even though, it is the choice of mothers to terminate unintended and unwanted pregnancies, there may be increased stigma directed towards such women. Thus, the healthcare sector focuses more on increasing the number of intended pregnancies and improving the quality of life and health status among childbearing women. The increase in the level of unintended pregnancy is dependent on the environment and accessibility in the use of contraceptives. Contraceptive discontinuation and unintended pregnancy: An imperfect relationship- 2011 By Sian Curtis, Emily Evens and William Sambisa. The authors of the article look into the relations between contraceptive discontinuation and the rates of intended and unintended pregnancies. The analysis of the data focuses on six countries in Asia, Africa and Latin America. The selection of the surveys in the countries under study was also used two stage sampling in determining the indicators of health and reproductive health. Bangladesh was a special case among the case studies because of the sensitivity of pregnancy in unmarried women, but the other five countries reported on pregnancies for both married and unmarried women (Curtis et al., 2011). Though, the countries had varied rates of contraceptive discontinuation, most women who sought this measure wanted to get pregnant for fear of side effects and failure of the contraceptives. Thus, there is an inverse relationship between contraceptive discontinuation and unintended pregnancy. A positive orientation toward early motherhood is associated with unintended pregnancy among New Orleans youth- 2006 By Aimee Afable –Munusz, Ilene Speizer, Jeanette H Magnus and Carl Kendall The study findings related to 332 African American young women in New Orleans (Afable et al, 2006). With all the women being teenage mothers the study also sought to find out the reasons behind increase in unintended pregnancy rates among the study group. The collection and analysis of data comprised information on women who were not pregnant at any time, unintended pregnancies, intended pregnancies and both categories. The results of the study suggest that the young women had a positive attitude towards pregnancy and early motherhood. However, this attitude led to more unintended pregnancies and hence there is a need to look into the perceptions held...
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