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Contraception is the Intentional use of Methods to Prevent Pregnancy

Essay Instructions:

After watching the video and read the attached power point, please answer the following:

1. Name and explain the levels of human sexual intercourse.

2. Difference between reproduction and procreation.

3. What are the two dimensions of intimacy?

4. Contraception:

-What is it?

-What is the intention of contraception?

-Describe the three types of artificial contraception.

-Risks / Side effects

-Bioethical analysis and unfair dynamics of artificial contraception.

5. Non-Therapeutic sterilization; bioethical analysis

6. Principle of double effect; explain

7. Bioethical analysis of:

-Ectopic pregnancy

-Cancerous reproductive system with pregnancy

8. In Vitro Fertilization(IVF):


-Bioethical analysis of IVF

9. Bioethical analysis of “to have a child”

10. From attached Ethical and Religious Directives (ERD) for Catholic Health Care Services PDF, Read and summarize paragraphs #: 40, 41, 42, 48, 52, 53.

Essay should be formatted in current APA style with support from at least 2 academic references not older than five years.

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In human beings, sexual intercourse is categorized into three levels: physical, psychological, and spiritual. Sexual intercourse is a physical activity across all animals, with the main difference being that in human beings, the act can be done face-to-face and allows bonding. Unlike in animals, the decision to engage in sexual intercourse in human beings depends on free will, which is a psychological attribute. In animals, copulation almost entirely depends on whether the female is ovulating and is essential for reproduction. At the spiritual level, sexual intercourse involves the bonding of their souls, which differentiates human sexual intercourse from that of other animals.
The primary purpose of the act of sexual intercourse varies in animals and humans. Animals engage in intercourse(mounting) for the sole purpose of achieving fertilization and bearing new animals of the same breed. This is called reproduction. On the other hand, two human beings connect, body and soul, to bring forth and nurture together new human life.
The added level of intimacy is what differentiates humans and animals. In this regard, therefore, human beings procreate while animals reproduce.
The act of sexual intercourse binds human beings on two levels: physical and spiritual. Human beings share their physical, naked bodies to achieve physical intimacy. From a spiritual standpoint, the couple's souls engaging in sexual intercourse are intertwined and bound as one, achieving spiritual intimacy.
Contraception is the intentional use of methods to prevent pregnancy. The primary objective why people use contraception is to prevent childbirth. Several methods are applied as a means of contraception, which can be classified into three sub-categories: mechanical contraception, which involves using condoms, intrauterine devices, and diaphragms; chemical contraception, which involves introducing chemical substances into the body to avoid pregnancy, for example, by using birth control pills; and surgical contraception, which involves surgically sealing the fallopian tube in females or the vans deferens tube in men. While these methods report high accuracy in preventing pregnancy, they pose some serious health risks and adverse side effects to the user. Such risks include blood clots in the legs, which may become fatal if they travel to the lungs, ovarian cancer (Chesang et al., 2021), cardiovascular diseases such as high blood pressure and increased cholesterol levels in the body, and depression. Users report some common side effects from contraceptives, such as nausea and vomiting regularly, vaginal infections, ectopic pregnancy, weight gain, and changes in appetite.
From an ethical standpoint, using contraception as a method of preventing pregnancy is morally wrong as it goes against the main idea of marriage. Married couples engage in sexual intercourse as a mutual show of their love and a method of procreation. Therefore, contraception goes against both the unitive and procreative aspects of marriage, making sexual intercourse unholy. It is seen as a lack of trust in God's providence and a show of fear and selfishness by the couple. From a biblical perspective, contraception is unethical as it disobeys God's instruction for humans to multiply and fill the earth. God gives humans the power to cooperate with Him to bring new life to the world, and contraception is a complete disregard of this power. Artificial contraception is unfair in that it causes a massive burden to the woman, leads to a discrepancy in sexual desire among the couple, exposes both individuals to the risk of contracting sexually transmitted diseases, and turns sexual intercourse into a form of entertainment.
In some cases, sterilization is necessary and required by law to save the individual from serious medical problems. However, sterilization for any other purpose that is not medical is an unethical practice. This is because removal or altering an otherwise well-perfor...
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