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Cons of Qualitative Research vis-a-vis Quantitative Research

Essay Instructions:

Quantitative and Qualitative Research Review
(1) Choose two scholarly, peer-reviewed articles about research studies. One article must be an example of a qualitative research study; the other must be a quantitative example.
They can be found using the GCU Library or any of the sources recommended in the readings.
Write a 350-500-word statement which includes:
A description of why each research study is categorized as quantitative or qualitative. A justification for your selections.
Rationale for choosing the journal(s) in which the articles were published.
A link to the selected articles or an attached copy of each article.
While APA format is not required for the body of this assignment, solid academic writing is expected and in-text citations and references should be presented using APA documentation guidelines, which can be found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center.
You are required to submit this assignment to Turnitin. Please refer to the directions in the Student Success Center.
(2) (250 words) Describe the quantitative design of the article you selected in (1). Present the strengths and limitations of this type of design according to the textbook and how these are reflected in your study. In one of your responses, contrast the design you have selected with at least one design presented by a classmate in one of your responses.
(3) (250 words) Describe the qualitative design (or methodology) of the article you selected in (1). Present the strengths and limitations of this type of design according to the textbook, and explain how these strengths and limitations are reflected in your study. In one of your responses, contrast the design you have selected with at least one design presented by a classmate.
(4)Write a summary of each of the articles that you identified in (1)
Address the following:
a. Write one research summary that uses a quantitative research design.
b.Write one research summary that uses a qualitative research design.
c. Each summary should be 250-500 words and should follow the template provided in "Summarize Research Articles."
d. Use APA Level Heading 2 to separate the distinct parts of the study.
These article summaries will form the basis of the Critique of Research Studies Parts 1-3 assignments in Topics 4, 6, and 8.
Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center.
Word count
(1) = 350-500
(2) = 250
(3) = 250
(4) = 250 + 250 =500
Total = 1,500

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Quantitative and Qualitative Research Review
Institution of affiliation
Quantitative and Qualitative Research Review
The bedrock of good research is the data collection instruments chosen by the researcher. The researcher bases the choice of instruments on the needs of the study and can choose to utilize qualitative, quantitative and mixed methods to collect data and analyze it. In choosing any of the above methods, the researcher ensures his study has a fundamental efficacy allowing peers to analyze it with a semblance of scholarly intrigue (Bhattacherjee, 2012). These methods authenticate research studies providing them with the necessary fundamental approval for them to be worthy of intellectual discourse. The paper will therefore subject the qualitative and quantitative methods to dissection. The paper will analyze two articles using either of the methods and analyze them. These paper are Shoshanna Sofaer's study on Qualitative research methods and Rumana Z Omar's paper on Quality research in healthcare  (Omar, McNally, Ambler, & Pollock, 2006) (Sofaer, 2002).
1 Qualitative research is fundamentally exploratory research. It concerns itself with finding answers to pertinent questions and solutions to difficult problems  (BaÅ¡karada, 2014). As such its data collection methods are often unstructured. Methods that choose depth of the answers rather than singular answers which are simpler to understand and analyze. These methods include; focus groups, individual interviews, and observations (K. & Lincoln, 2011). By choosing these techniques, the researcher is able to delve into the research question unhampered by sticking to a pre-set set of questions that must be strictly adhered to. The researcher has sufficient leeway to ask explanatory questions, where the respondent is unable to satisfactorily provide responses to questions. The sample size in a qualitative research study is usually small noting the high number of researchers required to conduct an effective data collection run. Qualitative research can therefore after analysis uncover trends in the thought processes of individuals (Savin-Baden & Major, 2013).
Quantitative research concerns itself with the collection of quantifiable data. This is information that can be assigned a numerical and statistical acceptable value  (Moballeghi & Moghaddam, 2008). The generated numerical data is subjected to analysis and synthesis and statistical information generated. Quantitative research thus provides a numerical figure to social and economic phenomena including attitudes, behavior and opinions (Moballeghi & Moghaddam, 2008). It concerns itself with unearthing patterns in data collected. It utilizes structured data collection methods including; surveys, telephone interviews, longitudinal studies, polls, and systematic observations. Quantitative research is essential in conducting empirical studies as the researcher's bias is significantly reduced as their input is limited only to analysis based on mathematical formulae  (Sukamolson, 2005).
Sofaer's paper on qualitative research was chosen due to the depth with which it analyses qualitative research methods in a qualitative manner. The paper thus, embodies excellence in research and provides a critical example of how the design can be utilized in health care. Sections of the paper further discuss the cons of qualitative research vis a vis quantitative research. Omar's paper on Quality research in healthcare is appropriate as it concerns itself with collection of data from NHS R&D support funding recipients in England and attempts to determine if these recipients have adequate statistical data.
The two papers are sourced from the BioMed Central open access journal and the Oxford Journals from the Oxford University Press. These publications are trusted and noteworthy in scholarly circles. As such, the quality and the integrity of the articles published in these journals cannot be questioned. Further, BioMed Central publishes articles on health and medicine which relates to the subject matter of the paper.
2 The study begins with an initial hypothesis noting that the impact or lack thereof of methodological support from research methodologist is crucial in research involving service delivery, health care and the methodological quality. The study adopts a quantitative design, this is noted in the manner through which data collection takes place. The study utilized a survey and questionnaire to collect data. The use of these structured data collection mechanisms indicate that the study utilized the quantitative design. The study was concerned with the collection of statistical information to prove or disprove data. The questionnaire asked questions regarding; provision of methodological support, level of specific funding for methodologists, support (methodological) provided free of charge and alternative arrangements.
The advantage of this method is that it provides proven results. The results are backed by data that can be examined and a similar conclusion arrived at by different researchers. The study found that the median funding for the trusts was £8.2 million (range: £4.8 - £49 millions). The trusts had a median number of research projects submitted as 237 (range: 88 - 1068). 18 Trusts had dedicated funding for a methodologist while 1 trust had no dedicated funding for a methodologist. The study utilized spearman rank correlation -0.01 and determined there was no relationshio between R&D funding, methodological support and the number of projects registered annually.
The strengths of quantitative techniques can be noted in the study. It is easy to extrapolate findings from the sample to the population. The study findings on methodologist in the 25 trusts can be assumed to apply to the large population of research organizations and the recommendations will hold. Structural inequalities e.g. income or funding can be analyzed. In the study the R&D funding for the trusts as noted and compared with relative ease. The standardized approach to quantitative research allows for the study to be replicated and the results corroborated or disproved.
Quantitative research is inflexible, as such the instruments cannot be adapted to the study environment. The Study thus had to do a survey prior to administering the questionnaire to allow for the instrument to be modified. Some information is difficult to acquire using quantitative techniques especially sensitive nature. The need for human contact to assure the respondent of the security of the information. The study had to protect information regarding the identity of the trusts due to the sensitive nature of the findings.
3 Sofaer's paper concerns itself with the efficacy of utilizing qualitative methods in research in the health sector. The qualitative nature of the study is evident throughout the paper. The researcher utilized unstructured format to collect information of relevance to the study. The study utili...
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