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2 pages/≈550 words
Health, Medicine, Nursing
English (U.S.)
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Research And Describe One Common Chronic Condition Plus One Illness That Children May Experience

Essay Instructions:

prepare a brief paper (2 pages with attached supporting documentation if appropriate) that demonstrates how you might apply wellness and illness knowledge to assess the health of individual children.

Research and describe one common chronic condition plus one illness that children may experience. Include tools to gain information about each, citing websites, screening checklists and typical treatment protocol. Discuss implications that each condition may have on short- and long-term development in children.

Please cite the websites and any sources used thanks .

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Research on a chronic condition and illness in children
Course Title:
Research on a chronic condition and illness in children.
The infancy stage in child development is a challenging moment as the child immune system has not fully developed. During this period, young children may go through health problems, some of which may last for less than three months while others may for more than one year and are normally referred to as chronic health conditions (Compas, Jaser, Dunn & Rodriguez, 2012). This paper takes a review on asthma and diabetes as one of the common chronic conditions and illnesses in children respectively.
Chronic health condition: Asthma
Asthma is a respiratory condition which affects the normal child activities leading to frequent hospitalization or even extensive home care of the affected child. Some of the noticeable signs leading to diagnosis of this condition include, frequent and recurring episodes of shortness of breath accompanied by wheezing, persistent cough, chest tightness and congestion, and sputum production that is often hard to bring up (Leung Ledford, 2012). In some instances the condition can be inherited or triggered by allergens or environmental conditions such as dust, spores, molds and even cold. One can learn more about the management of the condition by having a close contact and a communication with the caregiver. Additionally, there are websites and organizations which dedicate in giving out informative and educative information about asthma such as webmed, and aafa.org.
Typical treatment protocol
The basic asthma treatment protocol for asthma involves background history check of the condition and occurrence of the asthmatic attacks or exacerbations. A stepwise checklist such as the one presented in figure 1 below can be used. The use of preventive measures such as avoiding exposure to allergens as well as use of medications such as antibiotics and inhaled corticosteroids (ICS) has proven effective in the management of asthma among the children(Leung &Ladford, 2012).
Figure 1: A checklist used in diagnosis and asthma management in children (source: Leung & Ladford, 2012, p.292).
Childhood chronic illness: Diabetes type 1 (mellitus)
This is a common illness in children, which is associated with how a child’s body uses up glucose in its body. According to kidshealth.org (2017), more than 13,000 children ar...
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