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Conception that a Mediterranean Diet Alone is Valid for the Prevention of The CVD Risk

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Mediterranean Diet and CVD Reduction
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Mediterranean Diet and CVD Reduction
A Mediterranean diet is a food subsidy that encourages consumption of white meat while discouraging use of the red meat. The subsidy also discourages the consumption alcoholic drinks and vegetable fats. A research was done in Spain to learn the possibilities of the Mediterranean diet to prevent the Cardiovascular Disease (CVD). The research involved seven thousand four hundred and forty-seven people who had high possibilities of contacting the CVD infections. These people were grouped into three, the first group was given the Mediterranean diet with extra-virgin olive oil, the second group was administered in the Mediterranean diet with nuts or control diets, and the last group was not administered to any Mediterranean foods. For the first two years the three groups were not exposed to any physical activities, however after the end of two years the participants were required to submit yearly physical activity reports. The report concluded that the peoples with the Mediterranean dietary had fewer chances of getting the infections. This paper will disagree on the conception that a Mediterranean diet alone is valid for the prevention of the CVD risk (Estruch et al. 2013).
One of the main reasons why the Mediterranean diet cannot be said to be the lone preventive measure for the CVD infections is due to the fact that all people involved in the study came from Spain,which is a Mediterranean country. With this, the results cannot be adequate due to the fact that the participants got the CVD despite the food being their main staple food. One can also be sure that the people...
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