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Concept of Learned Optimism and How it Relates to Coping with Stress by Individuals

Essay Instructions:

Answer this question:
Interpret the concept of learned optimism and how it relates to coping with stress by individuals.
Use this reference:
Organizational Behavior, Theory, and Design in Health Care
First edition, 2009
Nancy Borkowski
Jones & Bartlett

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Organizational Behavior in Health Care
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Organizational Behavior in Health Care
Learned optimism is the psychological concept that theorizes that optimism as an outlook for life can be taught. Learned optimism is counter to learned helplessness. As such, the concept propagates that optimism can be taught to any individual as a potential response to the challenges that the said individual will encounter in life (Borkowski, 2009). The concept attempts to disrupt any negative thought processes in an individual and re-focus that energy towards positive thoughts. The concept thus establishes an innate focal point for positive events whereas negative events have an external focal point Borkowski, 2009). This allow an individual to associate positive events with the self-whereas negative events can be attributed to external environmental events. Negative self-talk is also curtailed with the individual focusing on speaking positively to oneself (Borkowski, 2009). Learned optimism can therefore be a coping strategy for individual suffering from stress. The paper is therefore concerned with how it can be utilized. The paper will look at both stress and learned optimism and attempt to identify an inter-relational stratagem.
Stress is the body's response to any external or internal stimuli that affect the body's equilibrium at any given point. Stress activates the HPA axis and activates the body response system to either fight or retreat from a threat. Continued exposure to stress can have adverse effects on the body. Unremitting stress can lead to anxiety, insomnia, muscle pain, high blood pressure and a weakened immune system. It is imperative that stress is curtailed and managed effectively (Borkowski, 2009).
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