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Community Intervention Programs (Health, Medicine, Nursing Essay)

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There are many community programs for critical interventions such as substance use, domestic violence, and teenage pregnancies. Discuss the need for these programs and the impact on the communities. Evaluate how a community health nurse provides education and support services for critical interventions.

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Community Intervention Programs
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Community Intervention Programs
Community programs for critical interventions, such as teenage pregnancy, substance abuse, and domestic violence, are crucial since they address the primary challenges that affect people in society. These initiatives are formed to eradicate problems that face a specific demographic. For example, they can target poor communities, high schools, colleges, and families. A community program established to help teenage mothers are likely to educate them about proper nutrition, things to do when babies become sick, bring up healthy children, and the importance of education. As such, community programs for critical interventions have positive effects on the communities since they link healthcare providers with different demographics that require assistance, which facilitate solving various problems that influence individuals in society.
One of the primary needs for community intervention programs is to promote healthy intimate relationships and create protective environments for couples. For example, the National Center for Injury Prevention and Control Division of Violence Prevention (NCIPCD) is a subdivision of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). Indeed, its functions include promoting healthy intimate relationships, reducing sexual and physical violence, decreasing bullying, discouraging high-risk sexual behaviors, increasing relationship satisfaction, and reducing substance abuse among couples (Niolon et al., 2017). Besides, intimate partner violence is a problem that affects many Americans. The National Intimate Partner and Sexual Violence Survey (NISVS) shows that 1 in every four adult women and 1 in every seven men in the United States of America (USA) admit to suffering from severe physical violence from an intimate partner at least once in their lifetime (Niolon et al., 2017). In particular, severe physical violence means being choked, beaten, burned on purpose, kicked, or threatened using a weapon by their partners. However, with the creation of the NCIPCD, it helps prevent intimate violence, hence fostering healthy marital relationships.
Other reasons why community programs are needed in society are to reduce substance abuse and protect all individuals' health and quality of life, particularly children. Notably, young people are the ones mostly affected by problems emanating from drug misuse. For example, a parent who is addicted to alcohol is likely not to educate their children, and they lead a poor quality of life. According to Healthy People 2020, approximately 22 million people in the USA struggled with alcohol or drug-related issues in 2005. However, 273,000 individuals were unsuccessful in getting appropriate treatment (HealthyPeople.gov, 2020). On that note, it is clear that community programs for substance abuse in the USA help many people recover and resume their normal lives. If it were not for these intervention programs, many Americans would be suffering in silence, and others might lose their lives. When parents die due to health complications emanating from drug abuse, they leave their children suffering. Consequently, community programs prevent adverse effects of substance abuse on people and enable children to lead healthy lives since they grow in their parents' presence.
Community intervention programs have positive impacts on society. They trigger behavioral and mental change, remedy problems encountered by different demographics, mobilize people affected by similar issues to enhance change and encourage good practices. For example, couples are made to realize that intimate partner violence is detrimental to the wellbeing of relationships and that people should always try to solve their marital problems calmly. When it comes to substance abuse intervention programs, addicts meet regularly to talk about their issues. For this reason, drug abusers are relieved from the pressure they face from society and identify their problems. They start transitioning to become better people in society since they understand that their issues can be overcome (Napoles & Stewart, 2018).
Additionally, teenagers are discouraged from early sexual intercourse to avoid unwanted pregnancies. They are ...
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