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Community Health Education

Essay Instructions:


Identify the following from the census. gov website:

Race/Ethnicity (Include percentages, not numbers of people for each race/ethnicity)

Languages spoken (Include percentages, not numbers of people who speak each language)

Educational level (Include percentages, not numbers of people at each educational level)

Percentage of households under the Federal Poverty Level (FPL)

Percentage of households without health insurance

Identify 1 chronic health problem or communicable disease, prevalent in your zip code, on which to base your CHEP.

(Review Stanhope & Lancaster 10th Edition Chapters 29, 30, 36, & 37 for ideas. Use the websites listed under “Resources” to help you determine 1 chronic health problem or communicable disease prevalent in your zip code or county that causes significant morbidity or mortality for your population. Pregnancy is a not a chronic condition or a communicable disease.)

Choose a population age range appropriate for the chronic health problem or communicable disease that you chose.

(Recommend choosing a narrow age range, such as 13-18 years of age, so that you can tailor your education to the specific needs of the participants in Part 2 of this assignment. Look at how the data is aggregated on the census site to help you choose an age range. Remember, to prevent a chronic health disease, choose an age range before the disease usually occurs, also known as incidence.)

Provide 1 statistical datum (data point) to provide support for your choice of chronic health problem or communicable disease for your identified population in your zip code or county.

(You will most likely find data at the county level. Please do not include datum or data at the state or national level, because the data may not be applicable to your zip code.)

Cite and reference this datum (data).

Complete a web of causality.

(Examples of web of causality, community strengths, and community barriers under “Resources.”)

List chronic health problem or communicable disease, zip code, and age range.

Add 2 perceived community strengths and explain why each is a strength.

Cite and reference each strength.

Add 2 perceived community barriers and explain why each is a barrier.

Cite and reference each barrier.

Include a legend to differentiate strengths from barriers. (A legend is a key on a chart.)

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Community Health Education
Community Health Education
Identify the following from the census. gov website: Los Angeles County, 90044
Race/Ethnicity: Hispanic whites, comprising 49%, other whites who are not Latino, make up 28%, the Asian community entails 12%, Black/African American community make up 8%, and the rest are other races comprising 3%
Languages spoken: English 48%, Spanish 45%, Chinese 7%
Educational level: 75% have completed their high school education, a high school degree (9.3%), some college (8.5%), or a college degree (7.2%).
Percentage of households under the Federal Poverty Level (FPL): 18%
Percentage of households without health insurance: 12.8%
Identify one chronic health problem or communicable disease prevalent in your zip code; Diabetes type 2 in adults.
Choose a population age range appropriate for the chronic health problem or communicable disease that you chose. Forty-five to fifty years.
Provide one statistical datum (data point) to provide support for your choice of a chronic health problem or communicable disease for your identified population in your zip code or county.
In Los Angeles County, 10% of adults have type 2 diabetes. This information has been provided by http://publichealth.lacounty.gov. Fight against diabetes in Los Angeles County has been one of the main points of focus in the healthcare system of this county. A recent survey realized that most people vulnerable to this chronic condition tend to be overweight, have a family history of this disease, and have prediabetes or gestational diabetes, especially women who have given birth to babies who weighed more than 9 pounds. In 2006, it was reported that most diabetes patients pay on average $8,790 per Quality-Adjusted-Life-Year (QALY).
Cite and reference this datum (data).
Ackermann, R. T., Marrero, D. G., Hicks, K. A., Hoerger, T. J., Sorensen, S., & Zhang, P. (2006, June). An Evaluation of Cost Sharing to Finance a Diet and Physical Activity Intervention to Prevent Diabetes. Diabetes Care, 29(...
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