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Community Assessment: Manchester, New Jersey

Essay Instructions:

Choose 14 sections of section 1 thru 27 to write about


What is the age and condition of housing in the neighborhoods you’re surveying?

Are houses and apartment buildings kept up, or are they run-down and in need of repair?

Are yards neat or overgrown?

Other buildings.

Are the buildings mostly or fully occupied?

Do public and commercial buildings seem accessible to people with disabilities – ramped, street level entries, etc.?

Public spaces.

Are there public spaces where people can gather?

Are they well kept up? Do they have seating areas, trees and plants, attractive design, cafes or food vendors, or other features meant to encourage people to use the space?

Who uses these spaces? Is there diversity?


Are parks used by a variety of people"

Are they well kept up?

Are there sports facilities – basketball courts, soccer pitches, baseball fields, cricket pitches, etc.?

Are they used at night?

Culture and entertainment.

Are there museums, libraries, theaters, restaurants, clubs, sports stadiums, historic sites, etc.?

Are they accessible to all parts of the community (centrally located, reachable by public transportation)?

Do they reflect the cultures of community members?


The streetscape is the environment created by streets and the sidewalks, buildings, trees, etc. that line them. Are there trees and/or plants?

Are there sidewalks?

Are building facades and storefronts attractive and welcoming?

Are the streets and sidewalks relatively clean?

Are there trash cans?

Is there outdoor seating?

Street use.

Are there people on the streets at most times of day?

In the evening? How late? Do they interact with one another?

Are streets and sidewalks well lit at night?

Commercial activity.

What kinds of businesses are there?

Are there boarded-up or vacant storefronts? Is there a mix of large and small businesses?

Are there grocery stores and supermarkets, pharmacies, and other stores that provide necessities in all parts of the community?


What languages are business signs in?

Are traffic signs informative?

Are there signs directing people to various parts of the community (downtown, museums, highways, etc.)?


What kinds of industry exist? Does it seem to be causing pollution?

Land use.

How much open space is there?

How are residential, commercial, and industrial areas distributed?

Do major roads or railroad tracks divide neighborhoods, or are they on the edges of the community?


What is the condition of roads, bridges, sidewalks, etc.?

Are there differences in these conditions from one area of the community to another?

Do all parts of the community seem to be equally served by electricity, water, phone, fiber optic, wastewater treatment, waste disposal, and other infrastructure services?

Public transportation.

Is there a functioning public transportation system?

Is it well used? By whom?

Does it allow relatively easy access to all parts of the community?

How easy is it to navigate and use?

How much does it cost? Are its vehicles energy-efficient?


How heavy is traffic in the community?

Is it mostly commercial and industrial – vans, trucks, etc. – or mostly private cars?

Is there ever gridlock?

Is there much bicycle traffic? Are there bike lanes?

Are there bike racks in many places?

Environmental quality.

How much usable green space is there, and is it scattered throughout the community?

Is there smog or haze?

Does the air smell of smoke, garbage, car exhaust, chemicals, industrial waste, etc.?

Does the water in streams, ponds, lakes, etc. seem reasonably clear?


Who lives in the community?

Are there identifiable racial and ethnic groups?

Do particular groups seem to live in particular areas?

Faith communities.

What kinds of religious institutions are there?

Do the institutions of one particular religion or sect dominate?

Are there separate houses of worship for people of different ethnicities or races, even if they share the same faith?

Health services.

How many hospitals and clinics are there in the community?

Where are they located? How big are they? How easy are they to get to?

Community and public services.

Are there identifiable community service providers and organizations in the community – mental health centers, food banks, homeless shelters, welfare offices, etc.?

Are they concentrated in a particular area? Are they easy to reach by public transportation?

Community safety.

Where are police and fire stations located?

Are they in good repair? Is the community well-lit at night?

Higher education.

Are there two- and four-year colleges and/or universities in the community?

Where are they located? Do they seem open to the community, or do they seem self-contained and isolated?

Political activity.

Are there signs or other indications of political activity?

Is it clear that political activity is allowed and/or encouraged? Are there protests or demonstrations?

Community organizations.

What evidence is there of organizations in the community?

Are there service clubs – Lions, Elks, Masons, etc.? Are there other organizations – centered around community issues, the environment, sports or leisure pursuits, socialization, etc.?


Are there local media outlets – radio and TV stations, newspapers, Internet sites devoted to local issues?

Are they independent, or are they sponsored or run by government or corporations?

Where are their facilities?

Differences among neighborhoods or areas of the community.

What are the differences among different parts of the community?

Are schools, stores, public and other buildings, streets, etc. in different areas in different condition?

Do some areas seem neglected, while others are clearly maintained?

The “feel” of the community.

What is your overall impression of the community?

Public schools.

Are schools in different neighborhoods in noticeably different states of repair?

Are schools well maintained?

Or in some developing countries, are there schools in the community at all?

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Community Assessment: Manchester, New Jersey
Your Name
Subject and Section
Professor’s name
1 Housing
* What is the age and condition of housing in the neighborhoods you are surveying?
The neighborhood contains a mixture of old and new houses but the former dominates. Some of the old houses are already rusty and are subject to repair, while the others still look sturdy like the new houses. According to a census, houses built before 1959 in Ocean County are still in good condition. However, 0.1% of these houses do not have adequate plumbing, while 0.2% have insufficient kitchen equipment CITATION Blo17 \l 13321 (Bloch & Shiffman, 2017).
* Are houses and apartment buildings kept up, or are they run-down and in need of repair?
Bloch & Shiffman (2017) explained that in 2010 in Ocean County, 16 units are under repair or completed. An estimated number of 83 units are expected to be completed by 2025.
* Are yards neat or overgrown?
The yards are usually cut-clean. There are usually grass yards where children can play, and most of the front yards display various flowers that can entice children’s curiosity.
2 Other buildings.
* Are the buildings mostly or entirely occupied?
In 2015, approximately 88% was occupied the housing units while the remaining 12% are vacant. The owners occupy 87% of the home while the remaining are rented by others CITATION Blo17 \l 13321 (Bloch & Shiffman, 2017). Also, there are still plenty of unoccupied commercial spaces, as evidenced by lots placed on sale or rent on many websites (Berkshire Hathaway Home Services, 2021; Point2Home, 2021).
* Do public and commercial buildings seem accessible to people with disabilities – ramped, street-level entries, etc.?
There are no detailed reports about the accessibility of commercial buildings and public spaces in Manchester, New Jersey. However, based on the government's guidelines, the State of New Jersey complies with the Americans Disability Act and recognizes the need of people with disabilities, especially when using parking spaces CITATION Newnd1 \l 13321 (New Jersey Department of Human Services, n.d.).
3 Public spaces.
* Are there public spaces where people can gather?
Yes. In Ocean County, Manchester, there are parks, community halls, gazebos, sports complexes, playgrounds, open lakes, and open fields. Some of these are the Pop Warner Football Complex, Tuskegee Airmen Park, and Pine Lake Park and Playground CITATION Mannd \l 13321 (Manchester Township, n.d.).
* Are they well kept up? Do they have seating areas, trees, and plants, attractive design, cafes or food vendors, or other features meant to encourage people to use the space?
The public spaces are well kept-up, and these are environment- and people-friendly with trees, plants, and benches. Food stalls can be found at the parks, but most of them are unhealthy food like ice cream or burgers. The design is relatively straightforward than attractive. Manchester, New Jersey, attained consecutive years of certification with the Sustainable Jersey Award CITATION Man21 \l 13321 (Manchester Township, 2021).
* Who uses these spaces? Is there diversity?
Some of the spaces can be used by schedule, while the others can be used freely on a first-come-first-serve basis. The spaces can be used by almost everyone, especially the parks and playgrounds. The stadiums and sports complexes can sometimes be limited to some people based on the event. There is diversity among the attendees of events and those who go to these places for recreation CITATION Man211 \l 13321 (Manchester Township, 2021)
4 Parks.
* Does a variety of people use parks?
In the morning, you would often see a mixture of people, including children, adults, and the elderly. The children walk and play at the parks with their parents, grandparents, and siblings. The adults are usually seen exercising (i.e., jogging, Zumba) every morning.
* Are they well kept up?
All the facilities, including the open spaces such as parks and playgrounds, are well kept up. This is primarily because the Manchester Township competes with other urban areas regarding attractiveness and cleanliness CITATION Bus19 \l 13321 (Business View Magazine, 2019).
* Are there sports facilities – basketball courts, soccer pitches, baseball fields, cricket pitches, etc.?
There are many sports facilities such as basketball, volleyball, tennis, and badminton courts CITATION Man211 \l 13321 (Manchester Township, 2021).
* Are they used at night?
Yes, but people seldom go to parks at night, especially during the pandemic.
5 Culture and entertainment.
* Are there museums, libraries, theaters, restaurants, clubs, sports stadiums, historic sites, etc.?
There are museums, theaters, and historic sites in the community, such as Lakehurst Historical Museum, Insectropolis, Loft Flower & Art Gallery Llc, and Ocean County Historical Museum CITATION Busnd \l 13321 (Business Finder, n.d.). Additionally, there are libraries, plenty of restaurants with a variety of cuisines (Italy’s Best, Sandy’s Cozy Corner, Three B’s Bar & Bistro), many bars and clubs, and sports stadiums (Trip Advisor, 2021; Manchester Township, 2021; Yelp, n.d.).
* Are they accessible to all parts of the community (centrally located, reachable by public transportation)?
The restaurants, libraries, and sports stadiums are easily accessible by public transportation. However, some clubs are only accessible by car because they are usually located in select areas, and membership is necessary.
* Do they reflect the cultures of community members?
No. The said establishments reflect a typical modern-day suburban society.
6 Industry.
* What kinds of industry exist? Does it seem to be causing pollution?
Manchester has manufacturing companies and companies providing services. Some of these industries cause water pollution, as evidenced by contaminated tap water in the area due to industrial toxins CITATION Zim18 \l 13321 (Zimmer & Ford, 2018).
7 Street use.
* Are there people on the streets at most times of the day?
The streets are busy during the day, mostly because numerous people prefer walking and riding the bike rather than using public transportation. The schools are within walking distance from where the houses can be found, and the adolescents usually walk to school. You can also observe street entertainers.
* In the evening? How late? Do they interact with one another?
There are few people in the evening, and most of them are seen going to convenience stores. The people do not interact unless it is necessary.
* Are streets and sidewalks well-lit at night?
The streets are not well-lit at night, and the dark areas are prone to criminal activities.
8 Commercial activity.
* What kinds of businesses are there?
There are convenience stores, restaurants, auto-repair shops, groceries and supermarkets, hardware, coffee shops, paid study rooms, jewelry stores, singing and dance studios, sports stadiums, movie houses, malls, small boutiques, and many more CITATION Man212 \l 13321 (Manchester Township, 2021).
* Are there boarded-up or vacant storefronts? Is there a mix of large and small businesses?
The majority of storefronts are boarded-up. There is also a mix of large and small businesses.
* Are there grocery stores and supermarkets, pharmacies, and other stores that provide necessities in all community parts?
Yes. There are many shops in Manchester and shops can be found in every corner of the community. If there is none, citizens can easily buy goods from an online shop available on the Manchester Township w...
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