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Communication Barrier Writing Assignment

Essay Instructions:

➢ Please use Peer-reviewed articles and credible websites such as CDC, Mayo and any website with.edu. The article needs to be 5 years old (2014-2019).

➢ 2 pages ( 550 words)

➢ Instruction what to write as listed below:

Topic-Communication barriers

1. A summary of an incident involving ineffective communication (use this scenario-Miscommunication occurred when physicians give verbal or telephone order to nurses and nurses miss some of the information given and transcribe the order wrongly leading to errors)

2. Describe communication barriers and other challenges that contributed to the incident.

3. Propose one or more strategies that could have been employed to promote a better outcome.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Communication Barriers
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Communication Barriers
According to Mathews, Hassan and Nazarene (2018), the success of the health care system depends upon effective communication among health care professionals. Decisions pertaining to the patient care solely rely on the communication among the health care staff including all Doctors, Nurses, Pharmacists and patients. When the teamwork and communication get combined then they may serve as the backbone and also lead to the safety of patients. However, maintaining this communication in verbal orders is difficult. These are those orders that are commanded by the physicians to frequently the nurses or the ones in authority to receive and document verbal orders. These can be telephonic or face-to-face orders pertaining to patient care (nccmerp.org, 2019). Quick and correct listening and transcribing it accurately is the main concern in any verbal order. And if any of these traits are being lacked, then these verbal orders can also be a source of ineffective communication and may thus lead to errors on the end of patient care.
Incident Summary
Incidents of ineffective communication can be witnessed in any health care organization irrespective of it is large or small health care unit. One such incident came into being while communicating a verbal order in an emergency room. The nurse thought that the physician told the patient to be given 1 and ½ teaspoons of Ceftriaxone which was right away administered. However, the nurse did not get this verbal order right as it was documented as a ½ teaspoon in the written order. This medication error resulted in the wrong dose that can surely result in undesirable effects of the drug.
Communication Barriers and other Challenges
The communication barriers involve in this case are the hustle and bustle environment of an emergency room. Due to this barrier, the nurse could not get the verbal order right, furthermore, she relied on her listening skills and ended up in giving the wrong dose of medication. In an ER (Emergency Room), due to the handling of emergency situations, it is difficult to keep a steady communication. Since, multiple things are going on, that too at a single time in an ER, therefore keeping...
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