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Client Termination Summaries

Essay Instructions:

Develop client termination summaries

To prepare:

For guidance on writing a client termination summary, review pages 693–712 of Wheeler (2014) in this week’s Learning Resources.

Identify a client who may be ready to terminate therapy.


With the client you selected in mind, address in a client termination summary (without violating HIPAA regulations) the following:

Identifying information of client (e.g., hypothetical name and age)

Date the client initially contacted therapist, date therapy began, duration of therapy, and date therapy will end

Total number of sessions, including number of missed sessions

Whether termination was planned or unplanned

Presenting problem

Major psychosocial issues

Types of services rendered (e.g., individual, couple/family therapy, group therapy)

Overview of treatment process

Goal status (goals met, partially met, unmet)

Treatment limitations (if any)

Remaining difficulties and/or concerns


Follow-up plan (if indicated)

Instructions for future contact


Essay Sample Content Preview:

Name: ACAge: 47 y/o    
Date of Termination Summary: Feb 1, 2021
Date of First Consultation: Jan 20, 2020                 Date of the Last Consultation: Jan 5, 2021
Duration of the Treatment: One year                      Number of missed sessions: 8
Total number of sessions: 55                                    Termination: Unplanned
Presenting Problem
The patient is a 47-year-old married American female. She currently lives with his husband and their two children. The client presents to the clinic seeking consultation regarding her depression and anxiety. She feels down all day and doesn’t have the will to work productively. The client states that her condition has affected her role as a mother as well as her career and social functioning. She often overthinks with negative perspectives. Recently, her youngest daughter has diagnosed with Type 1 DM and this triggered her anxiety since she already had lost her 2nd child due to severe combined immunodeficiency 7 years ago. This made her feel deficient and that she had failed as a mother. She thinks that she is worthless and cannot provide even financially to their family. She reported that the feeling of loneliness and anxiety began after the news of her youngest daughter’s illness. She stated that she sought psychological consultation 7 years ago and was diagnosed with postpartum depression.
Major psychosocial issues
The client experiences insomnia due to extreme excessive thinking and anxiety during the duration of treatment. One of the main focuses of her treatment is to address her insomnia issue which resulted in irregular sleeping patterns. The client has also recurring depression which was triggered due to the illness of her youngest daughter. She is worried that what had happened to her 2nd child might happen to her youngest. She displays a feeling of constant despair and feeling of worthlessness throughout the session. This is another psychological issue that the treatment has focused on.
Types of services rendered: Individual
Overview of the treatment process
The treatment session is conducted once a week in which the intervention for the client includes cognitive-behavioral and psychodynamic psychotherapy. These techniques were used to address the issue of insomnia, depression, and anxiety (Dunlop, 2016). Throughout the entire treatment, the psychologist easily developed a good rapport with the patient. However, the emotional sensitivity of the client caused her to have difficulties in relaying her thoughts and feelings. By assuring and earning the trust of the patient, further interaction showed that she is a jolly and thoughtful person. She was able to express herself freely and showed an optimistic perspective. This was a crucial factor in changing her viewpoints about their situation.
The approach utilized a combination of CBT and psychodynamic psychotherapy in targeting her thoughts, feelings, and behavior while teaching the client to be aware of her emotions and bear with these feelings while putting them into a useful perspective. The client was able to change her way of thinking by associating her past painful experiences with her current situation. She has also developed a new perspective of seeing past experiences and recurrent depressive symptoms as a negative distortion created in the mind which can result in a healthy function (Nixon, Sterk, Pearce & Weber, 2017). Through counseling, t...
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