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1 pages/≈275 words
Health, Medicine, Nursing
English (U.S.)
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Circulatory System: Blood Vessels and Circulation

Essay Instructions:

I hope you have enjoyed this week’s material.

First question: What was your favorite topic this week? What did you enjoy? Find a video that relates to this topic.

You will crate 4 short paragraphs. Please organize your post to earn points.


Label each of the 4 parts:

1. Research: Students will briefly summarize a video that relates to their favorite topic this week. Locate and give the full page of the URL to a video in APA formatting (cite in text and reference) that pertains to your favorite topic this week. Summarize the video in 50 words. Cite in the text. Reference at the end. If the URL is not given and cannot be verified, points will not be earned for this section. Documentation of sources is necessary. /25 Words:

2. System Check: Relate your topic from this week to another system in the body. Demonstrate and show how this information is connected to other functions in the body. Please illustrate how this system is interrelated to another system in the body. Compare and contrast structure. Provide examples from the text. Cite and reference the text. /75 Words.

3. Apply the importance of this information at different levels (individual/career, society, world). What was the most significant connection you made with the material this week? How is your topic showing up in the news these days? Explain why this video is important. Tell me why this topic may be important to your future career. How can you apply this topic of anatomy to your career or your community? Society? Give a detailed example. Be specific about this; Do not only say it is important but explain why it is important. /100 Words.

4. Weekly Self Reflection: What resources do you think helped you most this week to help you understand? What challenges did you have with the material? What improvements can you make this week to implement for next week? /50 Words.

Due Date: This is due by 11:59pm EST Sunday.


250+ words minimum.

Thoughtful, substantial and factual information is required.

This must be written in your own words.

Direct quotes must be cited. Demonstrate comprehension of material. APA references and citations are expected when sources are used.



Section 20.1

*Arteries vs capillaries vs veins; structure and function

Trace the general route usually taken by the blood from the heart and back again; and describe some variations on this route.

Section 20.2

*the relationship between blood pressure, resistance, and flow; three factors that determine resistance to blood flow

Section 20.3

*Filtration vs Reabsorption

*How materials get from the blood into the surrounding tissues

Causes and effects of edema.

Section 20.4

*Importance of physical activity in venous return

*Causes of circulatory shock; and name and describe the stages of shock.

Section 20.5

Compare and Contrast the blood pressure of the pulmonary circuit vs systemic circuit


Section 21.1

*How lymph forms and returns to the bloodstream

*The major types of cells of the lymphatic system and state their functions

Section 21.2

*The defensive functions and organization of each kind of leukocyte

*Specific vs nonspecific defenses; active and passive immunity, and natural and artificial immunity

*The process of inflammation and what accounts for its cardinal signs

Section 21.3

*Compare and contrast active vs passive/ artificial vs natural immunity

*Describe and contrast the development of T and B lymphocytes

Lymphocytes, antigen-presenting cells, and interleukins in the immune response.

Section 21.4

Do I know you? The role of memory cells in cellular immunity.

Section 21.5

*How B cells recognize and respond to an antigen

*Compare and contrast: Antibodies; the structure, types, and actions

*Compare and contrast: Cellular vs humoral immunity.

Section 21.6

*The cause of anaphylaxis and distinguish local anaphylaxis from anaphylactic shock

30 years of AIDS: The pathology and T cell activation


Section 23.1

*The major nitrogenous wastes and identify their sources

Excretion and identify the systems that excrete wastes.

Section 23.2

What's in Urine? Tell the story of making Pee: Functions of each structure

Section 23.3

*Describe the process by which the kidney filters the blood plasma, including the relevant cellular structure of the glomerulus

*Describe how the nervous system, hormones, and the nephron itself regulate filtration.

Section 23.4

*Describe how the renal tubules reabsorb useful solutes from the glomerular filtrate and return them to the blood

*Describe how the tubules secrete solutes from the blood into the tubular fluid

*Describe how the nephron regulates water excretion.

Section 23.5

*Explain how the collecting duct and antidiuretic hormone regulate the volume and concentration of urine; and how the kidney maintains an osmotic gradient in the renal medulla that enables the collecting duct to function.

Section 23.6

*Describe the composition and properties of normal urine vs urine that may signify problems.

Section 23.7

Sphincters: Controlling the void of urine.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Institution Name:
Student’s Name:
Question One:
The video talks about other components of the circulatory system, specifically the blood vessels. There are multiple types of blood vessels; those that carry deoxygenated blood and those that carry oxygenated blood. Fun facts if the blood vessels are laid out in a line, they can stretch up to 62000 miles. Arteries are thickest, followed by veins, and then lastly, capillaries are the thinnest. The blueish blood vessels that we sometimes see are the veins. Blood is a fluid connective tissue made up of various cells and plasma.
Question Two:
Other systems in the body are largely connected to the circulatory system, like, for example, the respiratory system. The respiratory system is responsible for supplying the body with oxygen. The oxygen enters the alveoli via the lungs. It is then transported via the blood vessels into the bloodstream to be used by the body. Simultaneously, carbon dioxide is transported to the lungs via the blood and breathed out.
Question Three:
Every individual needs to understand the circulatory system; with this kn...
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