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2 pages/≈550 words
Health, Medicine, Nursing
English (U.S.)
MS Word
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Essay Instructions:

The topics focus on chloride one of electrolytes I want you to write about the Function, regulation, and sources. use resources from the nursing website.

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Chloride is a major negatively charged matter that is found in the blood and extracellular fluids of the body. The balance of this anion is highly regulated by the body given that a notable decrease or increase could bring about fatal consequences. Normally, chloride has a serum range of 98-108 mmol/L and its required intake in the body is 2.3 grams daily. Its main function in the human body is to ensure an actual balance of body fluids. Chloride can be obtained from sear salt or table salt in the form of sodium chloride. Additionally, it can be obtained from foods and vegetables such as celery, tomatoes, seaweeds and olives. This electrolyte is found in plenty in processed foods since there is a lot of salt added to them (Nelms, 2015). Other sources of chloride but which are unhealthy include; cheese, yeast and processed meat.
Chloride regulates fluids in the body so as to prevent the occurrence of both hyperchloremia and hypochloremia. It combines with sodium outside the cell and potassium inside the cell in order to achieve osmotic pressure of the body fluids (Garrett, 2017). As such, this ensures that excess fluid is not gained or that excess fluid is not lost from the body. When the body loses a lot of fluids through activities such as sweating and diarrhea, the chloride levels in the body reduces. This indicates dehydration. Also, an influx of too much chloride could cause a build-up of fluid and high blood pressure. In order to avoid this conditions, chloride works to maintain a balance of all body fluids. As the most bountiful anion, chloride can pliantly go into cells when needed. In the process, it helps achieve descent b...
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