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The Chinese Government and Health Department Response to COVID 19 Pandemic

Essay Instructions:

In this paper, I'd like you to write about how your country has handled COVID-19. You should write a two- to three-paged paper with the following elements:
At least one (but probably more) paragraph describing the pandemic outcomes in your country.
An examination of how the health system has functioned during the pandemic. In this section, you should look at how government and/or public health systems have dealt with the pandemic. For example, were their mandatory lock downs or quarantines? What social support programs were put in place to ensure people had necessary goods (food, water, internet, etc).
Your own opinion of how the country handled the pandemic. Here, you need to be sure to connect your opinion to factual information. For example, if you say a country handled it well, how are you measuring that? Loss of life? Loss of economic productivity? Other measures?
A three page paper for this class should use a minimum of 3 outside sources from government, policy groups, or peer-reviewed literature. You will likely need to use resources like the WHO COVID dashboard, WHO reports, and government websites (remember that .com are not credible references). If you need help citing these resources in APA, Ellis library has a link to a citation builder and other citation information here: https://libraryguides(dot)missouri(dot)edu/citationguide
Remember to use APA style for paper formatting and references cited. Please do not include an abstract or cover page.
My country is China.

Essay Sample Content Preview:
China’s response to COVID 19 Pandemic
During the outbreak of the COVID-19 virus, China has done an exemplary job of mitigating risks and controlling the rate of infection among its citizens. The city of Wuhan, where the virus was first detected, was quick to respond and close its borders so that it may slow down the transmission of this novel disease. The Government utilized its resources and was able to create quick response teams and create strategies that would be beneficial for the pandemic. One of the most significant steps that China took, was the lockdown of certain areas with high risks of COVID transmission, and also the isolation and quarantine of suspected patients, so that they may not pass on the disease to other who are susceptible. The Chinese government was also able to create emergency hospitals and other infrastructures, as they commissioned doctors from other regions to respond to the emergency.
The Chinese government also oferred loans and subsidies to vaccine makes, in order to accelerate production and roll it out on the citizens as soon as possible. In fact, the Chinese vaccines were very promising as it was produced in a very fast manner, and was able to minimize transmission rates in record time. The authoritarian approach by the government was able to impose strict measures wherein people were forced to do what was needed to be done. The Communist party of China utilized resources such as state-owned enterprises, as well as cooperated with private businesses to prioritize the collective good over personal interests of those in power. The restrictions in travel and activities imposed on the citizens were highly effective, even if it was coercive and forceful, but it was the key to minimizing the spread of the disease.
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