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Health, Medicine, Nursing
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Chaos and Complexity Theory in Health Care

Essay Instructions:

Respond by Day 7 to at least two of your colleagues’ postings in one or more of the following ways:I have attached two postings,use one reference for each

1-Ask a probing question.

2-Expand on the colleagues’ postings.

3-Offer polite disagreement or critique, supported with evidence.

In addition to, but not in place of, the above you may:

Offer and support an opinion.

Validate an idea with your own experience.

Make a suggestion or comment that guides or facilitates the Discussion.


Essay Sample Content Preview:

Chaos and Complexity Theory in Health Care
Institutional Affiliation
Chaos and Complexity Theory in Health Care
Response to Judy’s Post
The post has some aspects that I have a different opinion. What do you look at to determine the nonlinearity chaos theory? My opinion is we look at the output of the system instead of the system itself. The output is nonlinear because it is not proportional to the input. The nonlinearity is brought about by the setback such as inefficient information sharing. These setbacks, however, can be reduced by having the right culture in the organization. Small changes in an organization have immense effects on the systems and the output as well (Nelson & Staggers, 2014).
On the issue of change, I agree the change can be rapid and sudden, and it can be impossible to stop it. The complexity theory, however, caters for this through its principles of stability and predictability. A complex organization can adapt to its environment since it has adaptable systems that make them successful organization rather than failures.
Working together with nurses of different is an important aspect as it is shown in the post. Is this, however, enough? Other aspects such as retraining, instilling leadership qualities and having a sense of purpose of purpose are important too. Chaos theory gives individual nurses the power to be a leader that makes them accountable for their action.
Response to Katrinka’s Post
The post is well detailed, and it covers all aspects of the complexity and chaos theory having a place in the health sector. In addition to what is in the post, the theories give great relevance to the implementations of changes, the stability of the organization and predictability of the outcome.
Also, having the right interaction among the nurses and patients, the hospital culture should be open, flexible and adaptable to function at the edge of chaos. In addition to the shared leadership and adaptability, an organization should consider other ways of resolving the changes. Change can take place if the nursing un...
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