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Change Proposal for Breastfeeding among Mothers

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Change Proposal for Breastfeeding among MothersNameInstitutional AffiliationDate Background Breastfeeding is one of the most important things that mothers should be made aware of. Breastfeeding influences the behavior of a child when they grow up as it is responsible for bone development, boosts the immune system by providing vital nutrients and minerals. Breast feeding has also been cited to have social benefits such as creating a lasting bond between the child and the mother. Most of the mothers leave the hospital after two to three days after they have given birth. It is at this point that most of the breastfeeding problems arise and are in most of the cases carried on to the next birth. This is a challenge that faces largely the new mothers who have little or no knowledge except what they have received from their mothers on breastfeeding (Rollins & Hajeeboy 2016). Unfortunately, the knowledge that they have acquired from their mothers can in some cases be insufficient or incorrect. This translates into poor procedures as the mothers are unaware of the correct ones. In most of the cases, the new mothers are engaged to several jobs and this means that they rarely have enough time to breastfeed their children. It is also crucial for the new mothers to practice hygienic breastfeeding procedures to make sure that they do not compromise the health of the child, who are yet to develop a strong immune system and rely on the milk for their immunity. UNICEF approximates that there are 830 million women workers in the world at any one time and most of them return to their places of work soon after they have delivered (Victoria& Bahl, 2016). There is a necessity for the enactment of programs and policies that will enable women to undertake breastfeeding as part of a health program. Problem Statement Across the globe, there are poor breastfeeding practices among most of the women. There is need for a proper strategy that will impart and enhance proper breastfeeding practices for the sake of the children’s health. The strategy that will be used in this case shall ensure that it solves all the problems that have been associated with breastfeeding today and in the past. Purpose of Change Proposal The change proposal contains the various strategies that can be used to solve the problem on breastfeeding among new mothers. As identified in the background above, there are a number of different challenges that face mothers who are breastfeeding. After an analysis of the various strategies that have been used in the past, the paper reviews a new approach to the issue and it discusses how it will effectively solve the problems. Most of the efforts that have been devised in the past, had some subtle flaws which led to their failure. For example in some cases, the strategies favored only young mothers while leaving out older mothers. In some cases, the approaches were too expensive to be applied by a majority of the mothers in need (Wambach & Riordan 2014). PICOT Population The initiative that has been proposed, targets women aged between 20 and 42 years old. This is the age group that is largely affected by the breastfeeding challenges, as these women are of the child bearing age. The proposal will target women that are frequent visitors to the local health care facilities. The population will also include the women that visit the health care facilities locally and are currently breastfeeding having given birth recently. The age that has been chosen for the exercise is appropriate, relative to the fact that most of them are educated and adults, who are easy to instruct and interact with. This is crucial for the collection of the data and the analysis of the same to avoid biases. Intervention The intervention that has been proposed is the creation of a lactation support center where a number of issues pertaining breastfeeding will be handled. The lactation unit will be run by a Lactation Assistant, who will be offering different services to the patients such as, consultation on the different appropriate techniques of breastfeeding. The approach will be more practical since the mothers will be taken through the actual practice by a trained lactation assistant; who will guide them on the proper procedures of breastfeeding to make sure that the best results have been achieved by the mothers. The program will run during the day from 9 am to 3 pm. The time is appropriate since it would allow the women to spend two full breastfeeding sessions with a Lactation Consultant who would help them feel more confident when they are breastfeeding and offer them the necessary information on breastfeeding their children for a longer period. Comparison The comparison that has been used in the study is time and the improvement of the health of the child. After the mothers have been taken through the whole process, they will be asked to report to the lactation unit to provide feedback on their breastfeeding experiences. Time will be used as part of the evaluation criterion of the effectiveness of the breastfeeding practices that they went through at the lactation unit. The sessions for the evaluation of the interventions will be carried out after every 3 months. The health of the child will also be used as a key factor in the comparison and medical tests will be carried out before the commencement of the training on breastfeeding. The medical tests will also be carried out after a given period of time to evaluate whether there is an improvement in the health of the children (Victora & Horta, 2015). Outcome The expected outcomes from the intervention above, is an improvement on the health of the children due to proper breastfeeding practices that have been employed. The improvement in the health of the children is also expected to take at least 3 months and hence the stipulated time for the evaluation sessions. Time Frame The intervention above will be carried out throughout and thus will be going on even after the research is complete. However, a...
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