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Centre for Disease and Control Prevention (CDC)

Essay Instructions:

Dear Writer,

Please follow assignment's requirements and rubric and please answer all those questions- it is very important.You can search website with what you are the most comfortable, but please that is related to nursing and provide me with the link. That also must be included in references. Please use proper 6th edition APA including links. Please do your best.

Thank you

Website Critique

Informatics Website Critquie Rubric.pdf

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There are a number of information systems used in nursing and health care. Search the World Wide Web and look for different kinds of Health Care Websites OR nursing information systems. Select ONE and review the site using the questions below for evaluating websites.

Please address these points below in your website critique:

Provide the url of the site, a brief overview of its content, and date of the website review

What are the major categories of information covered on the site?

Who is the audience for the site? What clues define the audience? Provide evidence such as tone, voice, language (accessible to the general public or technical) and assumed knowledge.

What are the hypertext links on the website page? How do the various links relate to the main theme? Are the links consistent with the main theme? Or does the site have personal links? Is it a hodgepodge of various personal interests of an individual?

What kinds of graphics are on the site? Describe them in detail. How do they relate to the topics? Are the graphics designed to grab your attention? Do they make the site easier to use or help explain concepts? Do the graphics support text information or do they stand alone? Do they overuse graphics to the point of distraction? Who are the various audiences for these graphics? What are your clues?

What clues do you have about the creditability of the site and the information? You may not be familiar with the institutions, organizations, or individuals who sponsor or who contributed information to the site, but can you find text material by these authors or institutions in the library? From what institutions or organizations does the site originate? Any group can give themselves an official sounding name or a logo. What beyond surface credibility gives you clues about the reliability of the site and its information? Is the sponsoring organization involved in the research and/or does it provide supporting documentation to supports its points? Does the site have built in bias? For example, is the web page an advertisement for a product or service? Does it have a particular political or social agenda? Having an agenda or selling a product on the Web is not necessarily “bad” but is the sponsor “sneaky” about its alliances or “up front”?

Make some general observations about what you learned about the subject you choose to investigate by exploring this site. What did you learn about your discipline through exploring Internet resources? What general observations can you make about the usefulness and value of the information you found on the Internet while being aware that you have only looked at one site related to the content of this week’s lesson? What did you learn about the importance of critiquing sources web and non-Web based with a critical eye?

Which type of website does the information appear i.e. is it an educational (.edu), government (.gov), or organization (.org). or commercial (.com). or network infrastructure (.net) website? Is it a personal homepage, a special interest site, an information site, a news/journalistic site, or a commercial site?

How will the information on this site enhance your practice?

These points to address when writing your website critique are designed to help you analyze the website and form opinions, in addition to, backing up your opinions with supporting evidence to support your points. You may use whatever format you wish for your website critique, however your critique should not be in question and answer format. Use your critical thinking skills to design a format that is catchy and interesting.

Length of paper: No more than 4 pages, double-spaced, Times New Roman, 12 point font, NOT including the title page/references.

Website Critique Reference:

Montecino, V. (1996). Researching and critiquing internet resources. ⇒ Retrieved from http://mason(dot)gmu(dot)edu/~montecin/critiqueone.htm

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Website Critique
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Centre for Disease and Control Prevention (CDC)
There are several information systems used in healthcare for medical experts and students. Websites presented by the growing technology may contain accurate information while others have inaccurate information, and thus, websites users should be cautious to ensure they choose authentic sites. Center for Disease Control and Prevention, /, is a state-owned website that protects Americans and foreigners from health and security threats by frequently updating information on the same (Overdose, 2018). The website’s information includes the spread of diseases, their origin, whether the condition is curable, acute, or chronic, results from human error, or is a deliberate attack. The page was last reviewed on August 27, 2020. The .gov initial in the websites’ URL shows the government sponsorship and therefore contains reliable information. The absence of ads and other marketing resources depicts that the site does not commercialize its existence on the web.
The Centre for Disease Control and Prevention website contains credible and reliable information on infectious diseases. The national health agency provides essential health information to save lives and protect them from health threats (Lin, Spence & Lachlan, 2016). The major categories of information covered on the website include the spread of diseases, diagnosis, healthy living, travelers’ health, emergency preparedness, and more. The website illustrates significant health conditions such as cancer, stroke, COPD, Influenza, STDs, and statistics of all illnesses on disease and conditions. The website describes ways of living healthy, vaccinations, food safety, healthy weight, smoking, tobacco use, adolescent health, and more (Overdose, 2018). On emergency and preparedness, the website displays information necessary for medical preparedness on health threats, natural disasters, severe weather, pandemics, recent outbreaks, bioterrorism, radiation emergencies, and more.
The CDC website has diverse audiences that include medical practitioners, public health researchers, policymakers, and the public. They disseminate their health information through news media outlets because of their potential influence on attitudes, knowledge, and behaviors. Among the cues that define the audience include the medical terminologies used, the layout of the website, and the information (Overdose, 2018). The website is friendly and easy to navigate and gives the user a prompt to rate their website for further development. The websites also have several hypertexts that lead an individual to the desired page with their desired information. The site does not have personal links, and the hypertexts correspond to the theme of the website. An example of hypertexts on the website is the emergency preparedness hypertext. When one clicks on the hypertext, they will be directed to a page that expounds on necessary preparedness for the public, healthcare practitioners, and researchers. The tool also indicated the most recent pandemic or illness and cautioned people on does and don’ts.
The websites utilize health graphics to pass information regarding a particular illness, such as a graphical representation of a woman washing their hands with a few words tagged. The illustration indicates the five steps in cleaning hands amidst the spread of COVID-19 (Wu, 2020). The graphics can be downloaded and printed for use by the public during campaigns, hospital facilities, and schools. The graphics also correspond to particular issues and address them in a sim...
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