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PICOT Question For Central Line Infections: Central Line-Associated Bloodstream Infections

Essay Instructions:

1) A summary of your area of interest, an identification of the problem that you have selected, and an explanation of the significance of this problem for nursing practice-( My topic CLEBSI , Central line associated infection )
2)The 5 questions you have generated and a description of how you analyzed them for feasibility
3) Your preliminary PICOT question and a description of each PICOT variable relevant to your
4) At least 10 possible keywords that could be used when conducting a literature search for your PICOT question and a rationale for your selections
I am attaching couple articles and sample paper 
Indiana State University. (n.d.). Database search strategies. Retrieved July 6, 2012, from 

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Identifying A Researchable Problem: Central line-associated bloodstream infections
Identifying a Researchable Problem
A systematic process focused on inquiring about nursing problems allows one to understand and address these problems. After identifying the researchable problem, one can then connect the research evidence with the problem and this influences nursing practice. The research problem directs the research problems. The PICOT format focuses on nursing problems, and is connected to the purpose of the study, while exploring the literature that supports the research. Nursing research is linked with evidence-based practice. Hence, nursing research highlights evidence that guides nursing practice including nursing interventions and impact on patient outcome (Polit & Beck, 2012)
Problem of Interest and significance of problem
To reduce and prevent the central line-associated bloodstream infections (CLABSI) rates in the intensive units is necessary to improve the quality of care and health outcomes. According to Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (2011), 5% of hospitalized patients in the U.S suffer healthcare- associated infections including CLABSIs. Various strategies have been suggested where surveillance investigations, education and bundles are part of a multidimensional approach to dealing with CLABSI. Blood stream infections increase morbidity for patients and healthcare costs, while adherence to bundles and using checklists are quality improvement measures that have been associated with decreased CLABSI rates. Blot et al (2014) pointed out those quality improvement interventions prevented bloodstream infections, and this is especially when checklists and the care bundles are implemented.
According to Jeong et al (2013), implementing a central line (CL) bundle checklist ensures compliance and reduces the incidences of blood infections. Health facilities have policies of infection prevention practices, and the clinicians are expected to comply with them. Comparing the Central line-associated bloodstream infections rates preintervention and postintervention, is necessary to determine the efficacy of bundle adherence. Evidence based practice in nursing practice is implemented to reduce hospital associated blood stream infections.
Research Questions
How do quality improvement interventions affect CLABSI rates based on the evidence available?
How do efforts towards the maintenance of central lines influence interventions?
To what extent does staff education influence the implementation of care bundles adoption?
What is the effectiveness of individual bundle implementation and compliance in reducing CLABSI Rates?
What is the effectiveness of patient safety interventions and measures in reducing CLABSI after implementation of these policies?
To review the feasibility of the research questions, I sought evidence that previous studies had highlighted the same issue, and literature supported that reducing CLABSI infections was researchable. The problem of Central line-associated bloodstream infections still affects ICUs, and focus on preventing further infection is supported by evidence-based practice. Even though, quality improvement initiatives including central line care reduce blood infection rates, behavioral modification among staff members is necessary to implement such strategies (Khalid et al., 2013).
PICOT question and variables
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