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Case study wk 8

Essay Instructions:
An understanding of the musculoskeletal systems is a critically important component of disease and disorder diagnosis and treatment. This importance is magnified by the impact that that this system may have on another. A variety of factors and circumstances affecting the emergence and severity of issues in one system can also have a role in the performance of the other. Effective analysis often requires an understanding that goes beyond these systems and their mutual impact. For example, patient characteristics such as, racial and ethnic variables can play a role. An understanding of the symptoms of alterations in musculoskeletal systems is a critical step in diagnosis and treatment. For APRNs this understanding can also help educate patients and guide them through their treatment plans. In this Assignment, you examine a case study and analyze the symptoms presented. You identify the elements that may be factors in the diagnosis, and you explain the implications to patient health. To prepare: By Day 1 of this week, you will be assigned to a specific case study scenario for this Case Study Assignment. Please see the “Announcements” section of the classroom for your assignment from your Instructor. The Assignment (1- to 2-page case study analysis) In your Case Study Analysis related to the scenario provided, explain the following: The musculoskeletal pathophysiologic processes that would account for the patient presenting these symptoms. Any racial/ethnic variables that may impact physiological functioning. How these processes interact to affect the patient. Case Study: A 72-year-old woman is brought to the clinic by her daughter. The daughter reports that her mother had an acute onset of slurred speech that morning, but it resolved within an hour. About an hour later she noted her mother was a lethargic and speechless. When she attempted to get her mother to stand, she panicked when her mother slumped over to the right side and couldn’t seem to push herself to an upright position or stand. The daughter reports that her mother had a stroke 2 years ago and exhibited similar symptoms resulting in a 5-day hospital stay followed by intensive rehabilitation where she was able to return to normal functioning. When you see the patient, she is alert, ambulating, and has 4/5 strength bilaterally in the upper and lower extremities. DTRs are 2+ bilaterally. A CT of the head reveals an old left sided infarct within the temporal region. A CT of the carotids reveals a 35% blockage on the left and 40% on the right. Blood pressure is 134/84, P 84, and respirations 18. Labs tests reveal a cholesterol of 306, HDL of 36, and an LDL of 140. resources: McCance, K. L. & Huether, S. E. (2019). Pathophysiology: the biologic basis for disease in adults and children (8th ed.). St. Louis, MO: Mosby/Elsevier. Chapter 44: Structure and Function of the Musculoskeletal System (stop at Components of muscle function); Summary Review Chapter 45: Alterations of Musculoskeletal Function (stop at Bone tumors); (start at Disorders of joints); Summary Review Chapter 47: Structure, Function, and Disorders of the Integument (section on Lyme Disease)
Essay Sample Content Preview:
Week 8 Case Study Student's Name Institution Course # and Name Professor's Name Submission Date Week 8 Case Study The case study has a musculoskeletal pathophysiological process that depicts the patient's symptoms. Additionally, symptoms like slurred speech indicate that the patient had undergone a transient ischemic attack. The patient had experienced a stroke before, and the symptoms are in line with a transient ischemic attack. According to Soto-Cámara et al. (2020), patients who have experienced stroke are at a higher risk of experiencing it again. The musculoskeletal pathophysiological processes can highlight the underlying factors that caused the symptoms. The motor function of muscles was impacted by the transient ischemic attack, thus resulting in the left-sided infarct. The blockage of the ceratoid arteries led to cerebrovascular insufficiency and decreased functional performance (Sebök et al., 2021). The cerebrovascular insufficiency impacted the patient because it destroyed and damaged tissue, thus reducing motor coordination. Racial/ethnic disparities can affect patients' physiological functioning. According to Javed et al. (2022), racial inequalities can lead to one becoming susceptible to diseases. Social disadvantages can reduce quality of life, resulting in increased risk factors for diseases. Thus, race can affect physiological functioning by causing delayed care and poor quality of se...
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