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Case Study on Death and Dying: Buddhism and Christianity

Essay Instructions:

The practice of health care providers at all levels brings you into contact with people from a variety of faiths. This calls for knowledge and acceptance of a diversity of faith expressions.

The purpose of this paper is to complete a comparative ethical analysis of George’s situation and decision from the perspective of two worldviews or religions: Christianity and a second religion of your choosing. For the second faith, choose a faith that is unfamiliar to you. Examples of faiths to choose from include Sikh, Baha'i, Buddhism, Shintoism, etc.

In your comparative analysis, address all of the worldview questions in detail for Christianity and your selected faith. Refer to Chapter 2 of Called to Care for the list of questions. Once you have outlined the worldview of each religion, begin your ethical analysis from each perspective.

In a minimum of 1,500-2,000 words, provide an ethical analysis based upon the different belief systems, reinforcing major themes with insights gained from your research, and answering the following questions based on the research:

How would each religion interpret the nature of George’s malady and suffering? Is there a “why” to his disease and suffering? (i.e., is there a reason for why George is ill, beyond the reality of physical malady?)

In George’s analysis of his own life, how would each religion think about the value of his life as a person, and value of his life with ALS?

What sorts of values and considerations would each religion focus on in deliberating about whether or not George should opt for euthanasia?

Given the above, what options would be morally justified under each religion for George and why?

Finally, present and defend your own view.

Support your position by referencing at least three academic resources (preferably from the GCU Library) in addition to the course readings, lectures, the Bible, and the textbooks for each religion. Each religion must have a primary source included. A total of six references are required according to the specifications listed above. Incorporate the research into your writing in an appropriate, scholarly manner.

I chose Buddhism as a religion for comparison in this assignment. Make sure to Include references from the Bible , New World Translation and address each requirement on the instructions.

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Thank you very much for your help

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Case Study on Death and Dying
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It is a widely known belief among professionals and practitioners that the practice of healthcare exposes individuals to a variety of beliefs. Consequently, it is essential for providers to become aware and open of the different beliefs that guide the decisions of these patients even if it opposes medical guidelines or even your own beliefs. In line with this, this article would focus on the case of a patient named George and examine them under the beliefs of Christianity and Buddhism. As of today, these two are the most widely known beliefs in this world followed by millions of different people. On the one hand, Christianity is the biggest religion in the world which has over 2.1 billion followers around the world (BBC.Co.UK, 2018). On the other hand, Buddhism has about 550 million followers that are located mostly on the continent of Asia. In the succeeding sections of this article, these two worldviews would be analyzed in closer detail.
Description of the Worldviews
One of the most visible aspects of both religion – Buddhism and Christianity – is their aim towards peace and harmony as well as the prime importance that they give to human life. In Christianity, it is believed that in order to for someone to live his life to the fullest, he must follow with God’s ten commandments as well as follow the teachings of Christ. It is also through these actions, where one could enjoy salvation and enjoy eternal life as promised by God. This was even explicitly stated in the book of Matthew, which says “Keep on, then, seeking first the Kingdom and his righteousness, and all these other things will be added to you” (Matthew 6:33, The New World Translation). Similarly, Buddhist beliefs also hinged on the importance of peace and harmony, which could both be achieved through meditation. The importance of meditation among other beliefs are mostly elaborated in Buddhism’s Four Nobel Truth, which are the Truth of suffering, the truth of the cause of suffering, the truth of the end of suffering, and the truth of the path that leads to suffering (Byrd, 2013). Followers of this belief also aim to achieve enlightenment of ‘nirvana,’ which is somehow synonymous to Christianity’s concept of the heaven (Fernando, 2017). Nonetheless, it must be noted that despite the similarities in their beliefs and guidelines for morality, Christianity worships one God while Buddhism believes in no supreme deities.
As stated earlier, both of these religions believe in the importance of being ‘good’ towards one’s neighbors. In turn, this concept of goodness includes helping another individual in alleviating his sufferings. However, what made these two different is how they view life and the extinguishment of it, regardless of any reason for doing so. On the one hand, Christianity strongly believes in the prime importance of life as given by God. It was even explicitly stated in the Ten Commandments, which is Christianity’s pillar, that “[one] must not murder” (Exodus 20:13, The New World Translation). On the other hand, Buddhist believes in the necessity of achieving enlightenment in one’s life and helping others do the same. This belief views life as a temporary phase, which could be relived after a person undergoes ‘reincarnation.’
Views on George’s Suffering and Condition
When viewed under the paradigms of these two religions, George’s condition could be seen as emanating from two different sources. On the one hand, Christianity believes that anything that happens in this world is in accordance with the will of God. This includes both the blessings and sufferings that a person experience independent from their actions and desires. On the other hand, it is also believed that God himself gives humans free will. A kind of capability that lets a person reflect upon himself and see whether he is following God’s teachings or not. In line with the case of George, it becomes apparent that while his malady and suffering could be attributed with God’s plans, undergoing voluntary euthanasia would be considered as a sin that he committed on his own.
Buddhism would see George’s malady and suffering as a result of his past and present actions, otherwise known as ‘karma.’ Specifically, past actions are those which he committed during his previous life (i.e., killing another person) whereas present actions are those that he has done in his current form. It is a commonly held belief among the followers of this religion that any suffering that anyone feels today is given to help him reflect of those which he has committed before. In other words, Buddhism would see George’s malady and suffer as a way of reflecting and...
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