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NR451: Caregiver Mediated Exercise In Stroke Patients

Essay Instructions:

You are to create a Design for Change proposal. Your plan is to convince your management team of a nursing problem you have uncovered and you feel is significant enough to change the way something is currently practiced. In the event you are not currently working as a nurse, please use a hypothetical clinical situation you experienced in nursing school, or nursing education issue you identified in your nursing program.

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Caregiver Mediated Exercise in Stroke Patients Your Name Chamberlain College of Nursing NR451 RN Capstone Course Term and Year Caregiver Mediated Exercise in Stroke Patients Stroke is one of the causes of the rising numbers of hospital readmission. As much as patient readmission is necessary for the health of the patient, there are other times when patient readmission becomes a challenge. Due to the long period that one stays at the facility, there treatment costs will also increase putting a financial strain on the family of the patient. In addition, the number of the patients at the rehabilitation facility is large and it is difficult for the therapist or the nurse to pay attention to the needs of each of the patients. In his article, Petterson (2002) highlights that 32% of people who suffer from stroke and stay at home were inactive in terms of extended ADL. That means that the patient is at a higher risk of being readmitted to the hospital. Anderson also reveals that 25-30% of the total number of people who suffer from stroke die within the first year of the diagnosis while 60-70% die within 5 years after diagnosis. I propose the use of caregiver mediated exercises as a means of rehabilitating stroke patient since it is time saving and cost efficient. Change Model Overview The ACE Star Model of Knowledge Transformation is a tool that can be used in understanding the various types of knowledge that are utilized during evidence based practice (EBP). The model also recognizes the various concepts in the field of healthcare that can be used in the improvement of healthcare in the world. As a nurse, it is important to use the model in bringing change to clinical practice since it recognizes the concepts that already exist in the field that you want to bring change as such, you can easily combine your ideas and evaluate the information that is available before coming up with the best strategy to change healthcare practices. Define the Scope of the EBP Stroke patients spend most of their time in rehabilitation centers. Spending more time in the rehabilitation centers increases the cost of treatment and hinders recovery of the patient. In a research done by the Journal of the American Geriatrics Society, it was discovered that at 6 months, patients who were put under inpatient rehabilitation facility took a longer period of time to show functional recovery CITATION Kan98 \l 1033 (Kane, Q. Chen, Blewett, Burns, & Moscowitz, 1998). The issue causes congestion in the healthcare facilities since the number of nurses that are available to take care of the patients is limited. Due to slowed recovery of the patient, it can also lead to a rise in the number of death cases. Stakeholders There will be different people who will help in the evaluation of the use of caregiver- mediated exercises as a recovery measure for patients who are suffering from stroke. Each of the team members will play their role. The team will be made up of a head nurse, the therapist, nutritionist, caregiver and the stroke patient. Responsibilities of Team Members 1 Head Nurse Since the project is an idea of one of the nurses, then they will be in charge of the project. As the head nurse, all the team members will be reporting to you and you will also receive information on the progress of the patient. At the end of the project, the head nurse will have to decide whether the mechanism was effective or not. If successive, then they will spread the Medicare service to the health facilities so as it can be implemented. The team leader will also choose a team of staff who will help them and assign them roles. All the resources that are needed in the whole process are provided by the team leader. 2 Therapist The therapist is the one who will access the progress of the patient. He will be present during the exercise and he will provide a recommendation on how the exercises should be conducted depending on the part of the body that has been affected. In case there is no improvement, then the therapist will have to find another method of conducting the exercises so as to realize improvement. 3 Caregiver The caregiver is one of the persons who will play a bigger role in the realization of the project. As suggested in the title of the project, it seeks to evaluate the effectiveness of caregiver mediated exercises as a rehabilitative measure for stroke patients. As such the person at the center of the project is the caregiver. As the caregiver, they will be responsible for doing exercises with the patient under the monitor of the therapist. The caregiver will also see the difficulties that the patient has and help them in conducting the exercises. Unlike the therapist, the caregiver will have to stay with the patient to take care of them after the exercise. It will also be a good chance for the caregiver to learn basic care strategies for persons with stroke. The caregiver will help the stroke patient with other duties that deal with personal care such as bathing, toileting, dressing and food preparation depending on the recommendation of the nutritionist. 4 Nutritionist The nutritionist will also be involved in the project. As a nutritionist, they will access the health situation of the patient and recommend the type of foods that the patient should tak...
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