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Capstone Project

Essay Instructions:

***** Can the writer please cite U.S. based Sources****

I uploaded the document that has the instruction of the assignment. Also, if it help I am located in Houston, TX so whomever the writer is if you have to reference a organization could you please choose one located within? It may also ask references of the county health rankings..... I am located in Harris County. PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE if there are any question do not hesitate to reach out to me. Thank You!


This order is to be done per part, to be submitted per week with a specific deadline.

• Part 1: Defining the Health Problem and Identifying the Affected Population-JULY 31

• (3 pages) Part 2: Program Design-AUGUST 8

• (4 pages) Part 3: Program Finances-AUGUST 16

• (2 pages) Part 4: Organizational Structure-AUGUST 28

• (3 pages) Part 5: Program Proposal and Presentation-SEPTEMBER 5

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Capstone Project
This course is centered around a Capstone Project that requires you to synthesize the information you have learned in the Master of Health Administration Program. There are 5 progressive parts to the project, and you will complete and submit 1 part of the project each week.
Note: This document serves as your project guide and template, and you will submit the majority of the project deliverables on this document.
For each item that requires a response, enter your response on a new line.
Assume you work in health administration in a hospital system in a metropolitan area in the United States. The board of directors and CEO of the hospital system have established a goal for the year to better address the health care needs of the community. You have been tasked with establishing a physician outpatient clinic focused on treating an endemic health concern in your county.
You are to examine county health data to determine a health problem of prevalent need and to design a program that can help alleviate these concerns in the community. Integral to program design are factors and considerations such as cost, staffing, facility, policies, and its potential impact on vulnerable populations. The executives also want to ensure that the physicians, staff, and administrators are held to ethical and leadership standards that align with the practices to promote a supportive work environment governed by transformational leadership. You are to research, design, and create a proposal for a program that meets the stated expectations of the board and CEO.
* Week 1 – Part 1: Defining the Health Problem and Identifying the Affected Population
* Week 2 – Part 2: Program Design
* Week 4 – Part 3: Program Finances
* Week 5 – Part 4: Organizational Structure
* Week 6 – Part 5: Program Proposal and Presentation
Part 1: Defining the Health Problem
In Week 1, your task is to identify a public health issue in a locale of your choice based on an analysis of public health data for the demographic area. Based on your research, you will conceive of a program at the local hospital, health system, or clinic to improve health outcomes for the population.
Use this project template to complete the requirements for Part 1 of your Capstone Project, detailed as follows:
1 Use the data to identify 2 endemic health issues among populations in the county. Your project will focus on only 1 of the issues, but you will need to identify a second issue if your first choice is determined to be unfeasible for this project. Your instructor will assist you in making that determination. Since county-level health data in most states is more detailed than city-level data, it is recommended that you choose a county, rather than a city. You can locate health data from the following sources:
1 County Health Rankings
2 National Association of County and City Health Officials (NACCHO)
3 National Center for Health Statistics
1 County Health Department websites
2 State health dept
2 Describe the conditions and the extent of these health problems and why you feel they warrant a program or service to address their impact on the population. Support the results of your analysis using charts or graphs that include demographic, morbidity, and mortality data.
3 Provide and analyze demographic information on the county population including age, gender, income, employment and other relevant information for your program.
4 Summarize the health issue you want to work on and explain your idea for a program to accomplish this objective.
Sources of Data
Cite using APA guidelines. Enter text below.
County and Health Profile
County and Hospital / Health System / Clinic
Select a county for the location of your project. County level data is kept by most states and is usually more detailed than city-level data. Include a rationale of why you selected the city, including if you have any prior experience or knowledge about the existing health care system in that city. (175-250 words) Enter text below.
Health Issue 1
Description and Analysis of Data
Explain the source(s) of your data and the types of analyses you conducted to reach your findings. For example, how does this data compare with other counties, states, or at the national level? (250-350 words) Enter text below.
Description of Condition(s) (primary interest)
Describe the condition(s) you have identified in your data analysis. Describe the extent of these health problems and why you feel they warrant a program or service to address their impact on the population. Provide demographic information on the county population including age, gender, income, employment and other relevant information for your program. (250-350 words) Enter text below.
Health Issue 2
Description and Analysis of Data
Explain the source(s) of your data and the types of analyses you conducted to reach your findings. For example, how does this data compare with other counties, states, or at the national level? (250-350 words) Enter text below.
Description of Condition(s)
Describe the condition(s) you have identified in your data analysis. Describe the extent of these health problems and why you feel they warrant a program or service to address their impact on the population. Provide demographic information on the county population including age, gender, income, employment and other relevant information for your program. (300-350 words) Enter text below.
Part 2: Program Design
In Week 1, you conducted research on health data of a population to identify an endemic public health issue and proposed a program to help improve health outcomes for this population.
In Week 2, further develop your program idea by researching existing programs that address to some degree the health problem you identified in this population.
Goals and Objectives
Develop a goal and 2 related objectives for your program. Enter text below.
Description of Program and Facility
Describe the facility and its services, including the target population and demographics. (300-350 words) Enter text below.
Impact on Marginalized Groups
Examine the impact of this program on uninsured, low-income populations. How will these groups of people get access to the services? (250-350 words) Enter text below.
Staffing and Support
Provide an initial estimate of the staff required to operate this facility, including physicians, nurses, receptionist, and other support staff. Apply standards on the ratio of clinical and support staff per physician. (250-350 words) Enter text below.
SWOT Analysis
Evaluate the potential strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats that can impact the targeted outcome of this program. (250-350 words) Enter text below.
Enter text below.
Enter text below.
Enter text below.
Enter text below.
Policies, Procedures, Incentives
Describe policies, procedures, and incentives that would make the program a transformative work environment. (250-350 words) Enter text below.
Literature Review
Conduct a literature review and list at minimum 5 sources (e.g., trade or industry publications, government or agency websites, scholarly works, or other sources of similar quality) to identify programs that exist that address at least to some degree your identified health problem.
Part 3: Program Finances
Factors that determine the financial feasibility of a health care program include the cost of the facility, equipment, staff salaries, patient out-of-pocket expenses, and insurance reimbursement. Referring to the concepts practiced in the collaborative assignment with your group last week, work on the following:
1 Determine how many physicians and supporting staff are needed to operate the clinic, applying the appropriate ratio of clinical and support staff per physician.
2 Determine the direct costs of the program. Direct costs in this case are patient expenses, and they increase as the number of patients increase. These include:
1 Physician and procedural support staff costs per patient/procedure
2 Gloves, sutures, gowns, equipment, lab supplies, other supplies
3 Determine the indirect costs of the program. Indirect costs are overhead costs that include but are not limited to:
3 General support staff and related costs
4 Electronic medical records
5 Insurance and taxes
6 Facility and administration
7 Employee benefits such as health and life insurance, retirement plans, and fringe benefits
4 Determine the equipment costs of the p...
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