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Capstone Change Proposal Nurse Bullying

Essay Instructions:

In this assignment, students will pull together the change proposal project components they have been working on throughout the course to create a proposal inclusive of sections for each content focus area in the course. At the conclusion of this project, the student will be able to apply evidence-based research steps and processes required as the foundation to address a clinically oriented problem or issue in future practice.

Students will develop a 1,250-1,500 word paper that includes the following information as it applies to the problem, issue, suggestion, initiative, or educational need profiled in the capstone change proposal:


Problem statement

Purpose of the change proposal


Literature search strategy employed

Evaluation of the literature

Applicable change or nursing theory utilized

Proposed implementation plan with outcome measures

Identification of potential barriers to plan implementation, and a discussion of how these could be overcome

Appendix section, if tables, graphs, surveys, educational materials, etc. are created

Review the feedback from your instructor on the Topic 3 assignment, PICOT Statement Paper, and Topic 6 assignment, Literature Review. Use the feedback to make appropriate revisions to the portfolio components before submitting.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Nurse Bullying
Student's Name
Institutional Affiliation
Nurse bullying involves the situations whereby a nurse is taken advantage of in the workplace and forced to work beyond their scope. Nurse bullying is a major challenge faced by nursing professionals at the facility. Nurse bullying includes negative behaviors like "aggression, horizontal aggression, horizontal violence, lateral violence, lateral hostility, and incivility," (Szutenbach, 2013). Therefore, when there is bullying, nurses are denied a sense of civility and psychological safety within their work area (Clark, 2014). With the increased concern for nursing safety, there is a need to work on evidence-based practices to come up with practical solutions. Therefore, addressing the nurse bullying affects patient safety and outcomes, nurse productivity, and quality of care. It is, therefore, the obligation of the hospital management to implement different solutions that will eradicate the issue of nurse bullying to ensure that the workplace is conducive enough to offer patients the necessary care.
Problem statement
Low level of satisfaction and motivation among nurses suggests that the level of safety is low in this facility. This is a significant issue affecting many health institutions, and by recognizing it, the administration or leadership can make efforts to improve the situation (Escartín, 2016). Nurse safety is affected by various factors such as lack of sufficient training, policies, and awareness (Szutenbach, 2013). Nurses can work better when they have protection and experience high levels of psychological safety and cavity. Therefore, initiating an educational training project to the working environments can improve satisfaction and employee work relationships.
Purpose of the change proposal
This proposal will be used by hospitals and other organizations to help in the creation of a conducive work environment through the eradication of workplace bullying. High quality and excellence are the core value for the high standard of practice in nursing. Similarly, showing respect for a patient, their family, and your peers within the clinical environment and working to achieve excellence is important (Walrafen, Brewer, & Mulvenon, 2012). In most of the cases, the values of a facility are demonstrated in its core values. Therefore, it is essential that nurses uphold ethical principles like beneficence, autonomy, veracity, non-maleficence, justice as well as fidelity. Observing these ethical principles will be a great step in the eradication of nurse bullying in hospitals. A code of ethics is a part of the hospital policies that ought to be followed by every employee.
Can the bullying of novice nurses by other professionals have an impact on the quality of health care on patients?

Novice nurses with an experience of one year


Other professional bullying novice nurses


Working standards that have eliminated bullying in the healthcare system


The quality of patient care accorded by novice nurses.


Two Months

Literature search strategy
The search for information to support the implementation of the proposal was done by carrying out a literature review. This involved the search for articles that contain information regarding the topic of nurse bullying. The review consists of both primary and secondary sources, hence making it a sufficient reference point for the explanation of nurse bullying as a challenge in hospitals as well as the possible solutions that hospitals can implement to eradicate the bullying. The sources credible and written by reputable authors in the field of medicine.
Literature evaluation
Research seeks to identify the relationship between various organizational factors and bullying (Blackstock, Harlos, Macleod & Hardy, 2015). Also, another research is made to show the clinical performance of nurses that have been exposed to bullying activities within the hospital. These questions relate to the main study question which addresses the issue whether nursing bullying can be eradicated to ensure quality medical care to patients. All the studies indicate that an environment whereby nurses are not being bullied provides the nurses with an opportunity to accord the best care to the patients. Also, another study seeks to outline the outcome of the orientation process for new nurses (Pasila, Elo & Kääriäinen, 2017). Results show that this is the initial step to bullying in most hospitals and should be addressed to prevent future problems.
Research shows that the hospitals that have large numbers of new nurses at a given time report many bullying cases as compared to the hospitals that do not have new nurses. This is an indication of the fact that the bullying is mostly done on the workers that are new in the hospital. The workers would require some time so that they can get used to the hospital protocols. As a result, this would reduce their chances of being bullied. Also, a few cases of bullying have also been reported in the case of senior nurses. This is an indication of the fact that...
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