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Case Study 1 Calculating the BMR of Diana Prince

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I downloaded the general version and would love the customized version with the addition of the naming of the specific exercises, sets, repetitions, suggested rest times, etc. USE CHARTS TO ILLUSTRATE THE TRAINING PROGRAMS.

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Diana Prince Case Study
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Calculating the BMR of Diana Prince
The basal metabolic rate (BMR) can be defined as the rate of energy expenditure per unit time. Proper measurements require an individual to meet a strict set of criteria. The BMR for Diana Prince can be calculated in the following way.
BMR = 66 + (6.23 x her weight in pounds) + (12.7 x her height in inches) - (6.8 x her age in years)
=66 + (6.23X 165) + (12.7X 5.5) + (6.8X 37)
= 66 + 1027.95 + 69.85 + 251.6
= 1415.4
The as follows:
BMR = [Weight in Pounds/(Height in inches x Height in inches)] x 703
The BMR of Diana Prince is found to be 38.81. It means her weight is more than the normal weight, and as per the standards of the BMR chart, she falls in the category of Obese People.
Target Heart Rate = ((maximum HR − resting HR) × Percentage of Intensity) + Resting HR
Maximum HR = 220 - 37 (Diana Prince’s age) = 183
In situations where the resting HR is not mentioned anywhere, we can use the average value of 70 bpm for the resting heart rate. The calculations can be done in the following way:
At 60 percent of intensity, the target HR is ((183 - 75) x 0.6) + 75 = 139.8 (the training heart rate of Diana Prince)
Similarly, at 80 percent of intensity, the target HR is ((183 - 75) x 0.8) + 75 = 161.4 (maximum training heart rate of the client)
Her training heart rate zone will be something around 139.8-161.4 beats per 60 seconds or per minute.
Summary of the Case
As is mentioned in this case, Diana Prince has been living a lazy life for some years now. After the birth of her child, she forgot doing exercises and started ignoring her health. Before this, she was doing workouts on a regular basis, and her favorite aerobic activities are jogging and walking. As per the results of BMR, Diana Prince seems to be obese and overweight (Hojan, 2015), which means she will have to pay utmost attention to her health and her physical and mental fitness. I want the client to begin doing light exercises as she has been inactive for some time now, and she now needs to change her lifestyle to an extent. The most effective way to do this is by opting for a 12-week training or exercise plan. In this plan, I will teach her how to do different exercises, how to concentrate on the strength of her muscles, and how to get rid of unhealthy diets. She will be required to focus on her muscle power and may have to work hard to shed extra pounds within the given time.
Another thing to pay attention to is her body composition assessment. Diana Prince’s BMR is higher than the average rate, so measuring the composition of her fats will be done for the next twelve weeks. For this purpose, I will use a measuring tape to determine her height and waist circumference. According to the standards, the waist circumference should be lesser than half of the actual height of a person. On an average, a woman’s waist size has to be 34 inches, and if it is above this level, then the client is at risk of developing obesity-related illnesses (Kurt, 2016). Also, the Waist-to-Hip Ratio and Waist-to-Height Ratio standards reveal that a healthy woman’s WHtR should be between 0.41 and 0.46. The case indicates that Diana Prince’s waist size is 38 inches and her WHtR is 0.82, which are above the average values.
Another test needed to determine this client’s health status is the abdominal plank position. According to this assessment, the client is required to build abdominal muscles and reduce her belly fats so that she gets a toned and fit body at a fast speed (Heinrich, 2017). During this test, she will be required to hold herself in a disturbing position for nearly thirty seconds so that her abdominal muscles get strengthened, and her body gets ready for sophisticated workouts. If Diana Prince is not able to hold herself for up to 30 seconds in this position, it will show that the strength of her abdominal muscles is low.
The next test needed to evaluate this case is a sitting-rising test. The purpose of this test is to determine the longevity, and it will require Diana Prince to raise herself from a seated position on the floor. She may find it difficult to do this at an initial stage; however, with time, she will be able to manage things since the change of her position multiple times is needed to strengthen her body and to help her get rid of the belly fats (2005). The scoring will be done based on the sitting-rising test (SRT), which will begin from 0 till 5, and for every moment (rising and sitting), with a total of 5 being the highest score. This will be awarded to her only when Diana Prince can sit and rise from the floor with no major issue. She will have her knees or hands bent at this stage. In this particular test, she may get five scores given that she shows an interest in the assessment and allows me to raise her from the resting position.
The other cardio tests needed for this client are running, abdominal strength test and isokinetic strength test. It looks like Diana Prince will have problems with doing the workout as she is not even able to walk for five to ten minutes on the treadmill. This indicates that her heart is not in good condition and that she will have to do some cardio exercises on a priority basis in order to strengthen her cardiac muscles. All the data collected from these assessments will be used to plan diets for this client.
The 12-Week Training Program
During the first week, Diana Prince will be taught how to warm up herself while doing some basic exercises like pushups and swimming. I am sure she would love swimming since it is a fun-filled activity. Before and after the exercise, her pulse rate, blood pressure, and heartbeat will be checked as well as I will use multiple equipment and methods to access her fitness level.
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