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Breaking the Chain Hepatitis C

Essay Instructions:

Tips for Success 


The M6A4: Breaking the Chain: the Patient with an Infectious Communicable Disease Paper counts as 30% of your grade for this course.

We suggest that you develop and outline and use the following time-line as your guide for completing your paper:

•Week 1: Review the requirements for the paper. 

•Week 2: Begin developing an outline for your paper. 

•Week 3: You should have your outline completed. 

•Week 4: You should be using your outline to write your paper. 

•Week 5: Continue work on your paper. 

•Week 6: Finalize your paper and submit by the end of the week. 

Information on how to use the Excelsior College Library to help you research and write your paper is available through the Library Help for AD Nursing Courses page.

Information on using an outline and writing a scholarly paper is available through the Excelsior College Online Writing Lab (OWL).

If you have questions, reach out to your instructor via My Messages.


linked item M6A4: Breaking the Chain: The Patient with an Infectious Communicable Disease Paper 


The registered professional nurse plays an important role in infection control and prevention. The purpose of this written assignment is for you to apply your findings from evidence-based practice (professional nursing references) to a patient with an infectious and communicable disease.

Using APA format, write a six (6) to ten (10) page paper (excludes cover and reference page) that addresses the topic. A minimum of three (3) current professional references must be provided. Current references include professional publications or valid and current websites dated within five (5) years. Additionally, a textbook that is no more than one (1) edition old may be used.

The paper consists of two (2) parts and must be submitted by the close of week six (6). Each part must be a minimum of three (3) pages in length.

Choose one (1) of the following diseases:

•Human Immunodeficiency Virus infection/Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome (HIV/AIDS) 

•Hepatitis A 

•Hepatitis B 

•Hepatitis C 



I want to choose Hepatitis C

Part 1 – The Chain of Infection (minimum of three (3) pages)

Describe each of the six (6) elements in the chain of infection in terms of the disease you chose for this paper (infectious agent, reservoir, portal of exit, means of transmission, portal of entry, susceptible host). Provide supporting evidence, epidemiologic statistics, and pertinent laboratory data where appropriate.

Part 2 – Nursing Management (minimum of three (3) pages)

Identify treatment options utilized to break the chain of infection and prevent contagion for the disease you chose for this paper. Explore evidence-based practice nursing interventions when managing short-term and long-term consequences for the patient with the disease you chose for this paper. Consider and describe how the registered professional nurse would support patient adherence to these treatment options.

Compose your work using a word processor (or other software as appropriate) and save it frequently to your computer. Use a 12 font size, double space your work and use APA format

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Hepatitis C
Course title:
Hepatitis C has become increasingly common infection. It is a viral infectious diseases caused by the Hepatitis C virus (HCV) in the initial stages, it is usually asymptomatic such that the patient will not show any symptoms for the infection. But with time, there is development of symptoms which may include; fatigue and muscle aches. This paper analyses the elements in the chain of infection as far as the disease is concerned. There is also a review of the treatment options utilized to break the chain of infection and to prevent contagion of the disease. In doing this, there has been review of articles and journals.
The chain of infection
In the chain of infection for the hepatitis C, there are the various elements. These denote the different factors surrounding the disease and by which understanding them leads to better management of the disease. According to Rosenthal & Cacoub (2015) the infectious agent denotes the pathogen that carries the disease and which infects organisms with the disease. Hepatitis c disease is spread by a virus known as Hepatitis C virus (HCV). This virus is transmitted through blood. The HCV has become a major public health concern because; there is indication that 2-3 % of the human population is infected with the virus. Once it enters the body of organism, the HCV causes acute and chronic liver disease. This is manifested mainly through inflammation. The virus has become a major threat especially in the consideration that there is no vaccine for the disease. Once a person has been infected, it is a major indication for the need of transplantation of the liver.
Reservoir on the other hand denotes the organism which habor the virus that causes the disease. The hepatitis C reservoir is mainly oriented to human beings. The persons that have the HCV are the reservoirs of the hepatitis c disease. The virus is contained in the blood of the infected persons. Although there have been suggestions that chimpanzees are also reservoirs of the Hepatitis C virus, there have not been much confirmation of this. The infected human beings therefore, remain the main reservoirs of the virus. The virus is much associated with people who inject drugs or those who have injected drugs in the past. Such people are at higher risk of carrying the virus. The existence of the virus in the infected persons is very tricky because, there is little detection of the virus in the initial stages. The following image is of the pertinent laboratory data in Massachusets for a number of years concerning hepatitis C:
Portal of entry and exit in hepatitis c can take different dimensions. This mainly depends with the transmission which could be horizontal or vertical. In the horizontal transmission, the disease is transmitted in different organisms. Rosenthal & Cacoub (2015) clarify that; the portals of entry and exit in this form of transmission include all the body surfaces, the blood stream as well as arthropod bites. The virus utilizes the entry and exit portals because; it needs to enter into an organization to multiply. The vertical transmission denotes transmission of the virus from mother to the offspring. In this mode of transmission, the portals of entry and exit are different. These include the ovum, or the placenta. The portal of entry or exit could also be during birth. The portal could also be colostrums or milk. The mother passes the virus to the child through those portals of entry and exit. Although the portals of entry and exit appear to exist in inclusive form, in each individual case, the portal of entry does not necessarily have to be the portal of exit.
The means of transmission of hepatitis C are different. As earlier mentioned, there is the horizontal transmission which denotes transmission of the virus from one individual to the other. In this mode, the transmission is through the body services or through the blood stream. Rosenthal & Cacoub (2015) note that; when a person is infected with this virus, there is multiplication of the pathogens which fill the blood stream. When the blood comes into contact with the blood of another person, the person is infected with the virus. The transmission could also be through arthropod bites. This is whereby, an organism with the virus bites a person and they therefore end up getting the virus. in the vertical transmission, the virus is transmitted from a mother to the offspring. This could be during conception of during birth. It could also be transmitted after birth, whereby, the child gets infected through colostrums or milk.
Although everybody is in a way at the risk of getting infected with the disease, there are the highly susceptible hosts. Those are mainly the people who have engaged in drug injecting or those that inject themselves with drugs....
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