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Body Building: High-frequency fatigue

Essay Instructions:

This week's assignment:

Briefly describe the variables that contribute to a bodybuilder's ability to recover from training. What steps should be taken by a trainer to ensure that optimal recovery is achieved? Your answer should be at least 250 words.

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Body Building
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Body Building
Various variables contribute to a bodybuilder’s ability to recover from training. One of the factors is a bodybuilder’s genetic makeup. For example, ectomorphs have the highest difficulty building muscle mass, and as such, they recover at a lower level. In contrast, mesomorphs gain muscle mass easily, and endomorphs gain fat more rapidly compared to muscle. The other factor that influences the bodybuilder’s recovery period is the intensity of the exercise. A person doing 25 sets for every body part increases momentary muscle failure, making it difficult to recover compared to one doing ten sets with more reps. Apart from overtraining or high intensity, stressors can also hamper muscle recovery. While some stressors are extremely low in intensity that people do not feel them, combining them with many other stressors escalates becomes a problem. The stressors can cause both short-term or long-term fatigue. Short-term fatigue incorporates central and peripheral fatigue. Central fatigue leads to lower motivation, which damages the movement of nerve impulses through the spinal cord, and this weakens the motor neuron. Peripheral fatigue can lead to depletion of adenosine triphosphate (ATP) and the functioning of the contractile machinery cell. This means that muscle mass recovery becomes slower.
High-frequency fatigue also interferes with muscle recovery because the cold weather makes it difficult for the sarcolemma muscle cells to transmit electoral im...
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