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Board Of Directors And Leadership In Establishing A Strategic Planning

Essay Instructions:

Write a 700- to 1,050-word paper that evaluates the difference between leadership and board governance in establishing strategic planning for a health care organization.

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Leadership and Governance
Looking at both leadership and board governance in an organization their functions and characteristics do hold a close tie to one another, but their responsibilities and duties are however distinctly different. In the health sector, health organizations for example clinics, hospitals or medical practices they have a regulated way of operating in which they have foundation blocks or act under a set of principles. The set of principles is normally based on the organization mission and vision statements. The vision and mission chart of the health organization to determine the day-to-day operations as well as the future business plans and development. The leadership of the health facility is then called upon to oversee the implementation of these principles and is also responsible for guiding the organization to attaining the set mission. Hence a strong leadership will determine the success of the organization.
Setting up and running a health care facility requires a team effort. It is crucial for all the members who have been tasked in the team, whether in management, medical staff or on board to have a better understanding of the role of governance and what will be effective. Governance is fundamental, as organizations have failed because of problems associated with governance. This occurs when the impacts of ineffective governance compromise the efforts and abilities of the management. Effe3ctive governance has been observed to assist the organization.
Effective governance comprises of the following characteristics; it should allow for respectful conflict of ideas, it should be efficient, should be focused, ought not to be complicated, should preserve community assets, should be integrated and synergistic, and the board members should have personal enjoyment and reward.
Board of directors and leadership in establishing a strategic planning
A board as seen in the above definitions is an organized group of individuals who have a collective authority to foster and control an organization, which is administered by a group of qualified staff and executives. To differentiate the two, it can be observed that the board makes decisions, which the organization leadership implements or carries out. Boards are informed of how the leadership is managing the facility, and the role of the board does not cross over into the performing management duties.
The board is responsible for keeping the organization`s mission, vision, and strategic planning (Bryson, 2018). In strategic planning, the board has to choose the CEO, approve major policies, oversee performance, and make major decisions. The leadership is responsible in the success by making operational decisions, making operational policies, they ensure that the board is informed and educated on the matter of the facility and they bring out recommendations to the board for better decision making. A...
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