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Blood Chemistry Panel: Cluster Headaches and Migraines

Essay Instructions:


J.R. presents to her PCP with a chief complaint of “pounding and throbbing” headache, and this is the fourth time this month she has experienced this type of headache. The patient is a 45-year-old Caucasian female who appears slightly overweight. She describes her headache at the right temple and having a pain score of 9/10. She denies any pain in the orbit or cheek. She denies lacrimation and rhinorrhea. She is sensitive to the lights in the clinic which make her feels nauseous and dizzy but has not vomited. She denies sensitivity to sound. Previous similar headaches have lasted about 6 hours, have not been responsive to any type of OTC medication, and do not appear to be associated with menses. In addition, she feels exhausted when the headaches finally subside and often fall into a long, deep sleep afterward. She has no known allergies, does not use alcohol or tobacco products, and denies the use of illegal drugs. She sleeps only about 5 hours every night and has rather poor eating habits. She eats "more chocolate than she should" and drinks three or four caffeinated soft drinks everyday.

Blood Chemistry Panel
Na+ = 144 meq/L
K+ = 3.7 meq/L
Ca+2 = 8.5 mg/dL
Mg+2 = 0.9 mg/dL
PO4-3 = 2.7 mg/dL
Cl- =110 meq/L
HCO- = 30meq/L 3

List four potential precipitating factors or contributing factors for migraines in this patient. Explain your answer.
Identify the single abnormal finding in the blood chemistry panel above and explain its possible association with the patient's migraine headaches.
Identify five features of the patient's headache that help exclude cluster headache as a potential diagnosis.

***Please answer each question separately

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DQ6 Q2
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Question 1: Potential Precipitating Factors
The analysis on the Blood chemistry panel shows several contributing factors for migraines in the 45-year-old patient. Firstly, there is a potential impact on the sensory stimuli which cause Aura (Mayoclinic, 2020). Aura is typical, a symptom that is associated with migraines. It is associated with a change in bright spots and flashlights. According to the report, the patient is already experiencing nausea on the hospital lights, which indicates the possibility of Migraines. Secondly, the use of caffeinated drinks. The patient is addicted to having caffeine-integrated drinks (she has to take at least three drinks a day). That is a clear trigger of the long headache pains and migraines. Another precipitating factor for migraine is genetics, where more than 70% of the people affected have first-degree relatives who are suffering from the condition. The final precipitating factor for migraine is gender, where women are reported to experience higher migraines levels than men. Between the ages of 16 to 54, more women are reported to experience migraine than men. The gender factor arises from the influence of hormones among women.
Question 2: Blood Chemistry Panel
The patient has high Hyperchloremia (Cl-110meq/L)...
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