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1 pages/≈275 words
Health, Medicine, Nursing
English (U.S.)
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Birth Defects, Genetic Testing, Performing Surgery

Essay Instructions:

1.) Is a life with defects better than no life at all? Support your position.

2.) Do you think there is an ethical difference between aborting a baby due to a genetic testing and giving birth to the baby and not performing surgery (leaving baby to die without interference)? Support your position.

3.) Who should make decisions for impaired newborns? The doctors? The parents? The Courts? Support your decisions.

just need answer these questions

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Birth Defects
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Birth Defects
Life with defects is better than no life at all. I support this position because there are individuals born with birth defects, but later manage to live a comfortable life free from these defects. For instance, phenylketonuria (PKU) is a genetic birth defect that results in the build-up of amino acid known as phenylalanine (PHE). Children are usually born with a deficiency in phenylalanine hydroxylase (PHA), an enzyme that breaks down PHE. Untreated PKU often leads to permanent intellectual disability, derailed development, seizures, psychiatric complications, and behavioral issues (Genetic Home Reference, 2017). PKU can be managed with the aim of maintaining the levels of PHE and individual can live a normal life. Additionally, surgical operations can be done to correct or lower symptoms of some birth defects such cleft lip or palate, hearth defects, and clubfoot (Gill, 2017).
There is a significant ethical difference between aborting a baby following genetic testing and giving birth to the baby and not performing surgery to live it to die without interference. Abortion can be accepted if the genetic condition of the baby may endanger the life of the child ...
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