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BHS414 CLAS Standards Mod 5 SLP

Essay Instructions:
For this final segment of the SLP, please consider everything you have learned throughout the SLP and write a 3-page paper that addresses the following: 1. Explain how you would approach a health education program for the cultural group you have written about for your SLP. Support your choices with scholarly references. You should be able to use the information you found in researching your previous SLP papers. Would your program be for the person, extended family, or neighborhood? What positive perceptions, enablers, and nurturers would you want to reinforce? What negative ones would you want to try to overcome? What positive aspects of cultural empowerment would you want to reinforce? What negative ones would you want to try to overcome? What existential ones would you acknowledge but not try to change? 2. What challenges do you foresee in trying to plan and implement health education programs for this cultural group? Assignment Expectations - In order to earn full credit, you must review all required background materials and make sure your paper meets these standards: LENGTH: 3 pages typed, double-spaced, one inch margins, 12 point font and address all questions in great depth with in text citations. Required Readings Office of Minority Health (2007). National Standards on Culturally and Linguistically Appropriate Services (CLAS). Retrieved May 1, 2012 from http://minorityhealth(dot)hhs(dot)gov/templates/browse.aspx?lvl=2&lvlID=15 SLP MODULES 2, 3, AND 4 INCLUDED FOR GUIDANCE.
Essay Sample Content Preview:
Health Education Program for African American Men with High Blood Pressure Institution: Name: Project: Course: Instructor: Date Due: Health Education Program for African American Men with High Blood Pressure Health education programs for the African American with high blood pressure require an all inclusive approach since they involve making sure that the necessary health care programs are implemented. Thus, considering that the selected cultural group of patients is prone to many other diseases such as stroke and cardiovascular diseases the need to devise effective health education programs is inevitable (Maren & Julia, 2004). Hence an effective health education program will be essential to cover all the aspects that influence various cultural and socioeconomic aspects of the African American men with hypertension (Wurzbath, 2002). Appropriate health education programs are undoubtedly the most effective intervention to address the stigma as well as challenges that arise among hypertensive African American men that may enable them to have an improved care for their condition either at home or health care centers (Maren & Julia, 2004). Health education programs among African Americans with hypertension specifically involve addressing the issues that affect this cultural group at personal, extended family and neighborhood level. This is due to the fact that effective health education programs should be all inclusive strategies aimed at improving the overall health of this cultural group of patients that are prone to many other complications (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 2010). Therefore, my health education program would be intended for the three groups such as the person, extended family, or neighborhood. This is in the attempts to ensure that it is effective and an overall inclusion of the cultural group considered (hypertensive African American men), their extended families as well as the community in which they live in (Wurzbath, 2002). Including these three groups in my health education programs is essential since they usually interact with each other. Thus, this means that for the health education programs to be successful all of them must be involved (Lukoschek, 2003). This health education programs will not only contribute to imparting knowledge to the hypertensive African American men but it will also ensure there is a change in the habits and lifestyles. This is attributable to the fact that hypertension is in most cases a life long disease which is only manageable but untreatable thereby making it necessary to arm the affected cultural group with the information they require through health education programs (Wurzbath, 2002). There are numerous positive perceptions, enablers, and nurturers that I would want to reinforce in these health education programs. These positive perceptions are determined by the cultural empowerment hence need to be embraced in the proposed health education programs. For instance, I would strive to reinforce positive perceptions such as increased physical activity, improving diets as well as changing lifestyles (Wurzbath, 2002)....
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