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BHA480 SLP3 Student's Name Institution Course # and Name Professor's Name Submission Date Health Information Systems Standards Management of Individual Records Mayo Clinic recognizes that patient portals and personal health records are potent tools in health management. The Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act standards are adhered to in this clinic (Edemekong et al., 2023). Mayo Clinic has implemented a personal health records system that records a patient's allergies, medications, chronic health problems, family history, and health goals, among other details (Mayo Clinic, 2022). There is a reputable software system that ensures that patient records are always safe and secure. Management of Human Resources The human resource management approach used at Mayo Clinic positions it in the top five on the World's Best Hospitals 2023 list. Wang et al. (2024) did a comparative study of how five renowned hospitals in the world handle their human resources. The authors found that Mayo Clinic is performing well in the six modules of human resource management: planning, professional training and development, pick and placement management, performance management, preservation management, and payments. The regulations outlined in the Human Resource Information System have been integrated into managing human resources in this organization (Satispi et al., 2023). HRIS utilizes information technology in the management of employees. Management of Financial Records Mayo Clinic submits all its financial statements to the local authorities annually, and there have been no reports of a lack of cooperation from state authorities. The Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act informs healthcare billings and claims processing at Mayo Clinic (Edemekong et al., 2023). The organization has also implemented strict rules and regulations that mitigate fraud, wastage, abuse, and other acts that may hinder its financial integrity (Mayo Foundation for Medical Education and Research, 2024). Mayo Clinic believes patients must be provided with transparent and accurate information about billing whenever they visit the facility for medical attention. Management of Public Health Accounts Mayo Clinic ...
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