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Similarities Between Organizational Culture and Strategy

Essay Instructions:

According to Society for Human Resource Management (2018), “A strong culture is a common denominator among the most successful companies” (para. 5). Discuss the relationship between culture and strategy. Also, identify whether culture influences can make or break a strategic plan and explain your rationale.

Society for Human Resource Management. (2018). Understanding and developing organizational culture. To obtain article, Google (do not use a different search engine): “Understanding and developing organizational culture SHRM” to take you to https://www(dot)shrm(dot)org/resourcesandtools/tools-and-samples/toolkits/pages/understandinganddevelopingorganizationalculture.aspx

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Organizational Culture and Strategy
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Organizational Culture and Strategy
Organizations get established with the intent to prosper and make fortunes that would sustain them. For an organization to achieve its objectives, a healthy organizational culture is paramount. Corporate culture may get described as a collection of beliefs, values, norms, and practices that influence people's way of behaving. It is what shapes an organization’s environment and overall performance.
Similarities between culture and strategy
An organization's culture will entail the beliefs and values that define the people and the operations(Warrick, 2017). On the other hand, a strategy is a long-term goal that an organization needs to realize. However, it may face constraints in terms of resources or conditions of uncertainty. Some of the key similarities between culture and strategy include the following;
First, an organization's strategic plan involves intent and resourcefulness to exploit something despite constraints and achieve it within a stipulated timeline. At the same time, culture ascertains and measures the commitment, desire, and execution part by an organization's people to achieve a strategy's requirements. We can deduce that a company's strategic plans may fail when the culture is not well-integrated into efforts to make it succeed. Commitment to the strategy is also a vital determinant of a strategy's success.
Secondly, culture and strategy work together at all levels. In the strategy formulation stage, the management needs to evaluate its culture to determine the support it would get from it to succeed(Roulin& Krings, 2020). Therefore, culture has to embrace a strategy for its execution to be scalable, capable of repetition, and sustained in the future.
The other relationship involves monitoring the two aspects. Monitoring is a process that consists of checking the progress of a procedure or an activity and noting deviations for correction. A strategy needs to g...
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