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Organizational Culture and its Relation to Strategy

Essay Instructions:

According to Society for Human Resource Management (2018), “A strong culture is a common denominator among the most successful companies” (para. 5). Discuss the relationship between culture and strategy. Also, identify whether culture influences can make or break a strategic plan and explain your rationale.

Society for Human Resource Management. (2018). Understanding and developing organizational culture. To obtain article, Google (do not use a different search engine): “Understanding and developing organizational culture SHRM” to take you to https://www(dot)shrm(dot)org/resourcesandtools/tools-and-samples/toolkits/pages/understandinganddevelopingorganizationalculture.aspx

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Organizational Culture and Strategy
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Organizational Culture and Strategy
An organizational culture entails the values, expectations, practices that define the unique environment of a business. It positively influences how employees or team members in an organization behave. According to the human resource management society, a healthy organizational culture plays a vital role in many organizations' success.
Relationship between culture and strategy
Organizational culture may get defined as a collection of values, practices, and attitudes that influence workers' behavior in an organization. On the other hand, a strategy can be described as the general plan to achieve one or several of an organization's long-term goals under conditions of scarce resources or uncertainty(Groysberg et al., 2018). The following aspects depict the relationship between culture and strategy;
A strategy gets formulated to drive on focus and direct an organization towards achieving its long-term goals. An organization’s culture involves an emotional habitat where an organization’s strategy dwells and dies. It can get simplified to mean that culture is a home that hosts and sustains strategy. If an organization has a weak culture, then there are high chances of the company collapsing.
Secondly, an organization’s strategy is meaningful in the differentiation between other brands. It thrives well, where the culture is vibrant. It can be construed that a corporate strategy depends on the firm's culture to deliver the intended best results. Where corporate culture is dull and less alive, an organization will mostly fail due to poor execution. It is, therefore, the organization's culture that delivers strategic advantage.
Thirdly, strategy puts in place the rules governing a game being played in an organization, while culture propels the spirit to play the game. The implication is that an organization's operations, lik...
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