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Strategic Delivery of Clinical Diabetes

Essay Instructions:

You will continue to build upon the strategic plan. Update your strategic plan based on your instructor’s feedback from your SLP submissions in Modules 1 and 2. Once the plan is complete, add the following sections to your strategic plan in 1–2 pages:

Stakeholders: In this section, identify 4–6 stakeholders that are directly related to your strategic plan. Explain the importance of each stakeholder (e.g., consumers in rural South Carolina diagnosed with cancer, lead oncologist, etc.)

Organizational Culture: Develop (in 1–2 paragraphs) a cultural strategy that will assist with the implementation of your strategic plan.

Note: At this point, your plan should be at about 5–7 pages, not including the title and reference pages.

SLP Assignment Expectations

Conduct additional research to gather sufficient information to justify/support your strategic plan.

Support your report with peer-reviewed articles with 2 or 3 references. Use the following link for additional information on how to recognize peer-reviewed journals: http://www(dot)angelo(dot)edu/services/library/handouts/peerrev.php.

You may use the following source to assist in your formatting your assignment: https://owl(dot)english(dot)purdue(dot)edu/owl/resource/560/01/.

For additional information on reliability of sources review the following source: https://nccih(dot)nih(dot)gov/health/webresources.

This assignment will be graded based on the SLP assignment rubric.

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Clinical diabetes educators: The program will involve two diabetes educators to empower patients to actively manage their diabetes. It is the role of the educators to teach, guide, and coach the patients on self-management practices while showing them how diabetes can affect their personal and professional lives (Kwan et al., 2017). The education will involve teaching behavior change to improve patient health including meal planning, exercises, and areas to seek additional support.
Social Workers: The social workers will play a crucial role of reaching out to patients and their families. Given that the program involves going from home-to-home providing education and support, social workers will help families feel at ease in letting the educators in their homes (Kwan et al., 2017). The social workers provide an important role in promoting the patients’ physical and mental health. Social workers are trained to support families and their needs, which means they will work closely with the clinical diabetes educators.
Non-Profit Community Health Organization: A non-profit organization will be involved in offering community services to the patients and families. The community health organization will provide the physical location where patients can go for further information and support (Kwan et al., 2017). Using the community health organization that is within the Buffalo area ensures that patients feel at ease. It will also be easy for the patients to arrange transportation plans or easily find help reaching the clinics rather than traveling far to access the needed services.
Diabetic Patients from Buffalo, New York: The program would not be possible without the patients. Patients have to give informed consent and be willing to be part of the project (Funnell et al., 2008). The program will be implemented in consideration of the patients to ensure that they benefit based on individual needs.
Local Government Agencies: The local government will also...
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