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3 pages/≈825 words
Health, Medicine, Nursing
English (U.S.)
MS Word
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Strategic Plans for Health Programs

Essay Instructions:

Continue to build upon the strategic plan. Update your strategic plan based on your instructor’s feedback from your Module 1 SLP submission. Once the update is completed, add the following sections to your strategic plan in 3 pages:

Strategic Plan Timeline: In this section (1 paragraph), identify a realistic timeline for the accomplishment of your plan. You should state the expected start and end dates.
Short-Term Goals: Identify 2 or 3 measurable short-term goals for your strategic plan and the anticipated date/duration to meet these goals. These can be provided in bullet point form.
Long-Term Goals: Identify 2 or 3 measurable long-term goals for your strategic plan and the anticipated date/duration to meet these goals. These can be provided in bullet point form.
Operational Plan: In this section, further explain your short- and long-term goals. Explain your “road map” to completion of these goals, and match an “activity” to each “goal.” Essentially, the activity is the action taken to reach the goal.

To accompany your explanation, use a Gantt Chart for a visual display (see image below). For more information on how to create a Gantt Chart in Excel, review the following sources:


Activity and Gantt Chart examples

References: Include all reference material used to develop these sections. (The Reference section is not to be included in the page count).

Note: At this point, your plan should be at least 4–6 pages, not including the title and reference pages. You should have 5–7 references at this point.

SLP Assignment Expectations

Conduct additional research to gather sufficient information to justify/support your strategic plan.

Support your report with peer-reviewed articles, using 2 or 3 references. Use the following link for additional information on how to recognize peer-reviewed journals: http://www(dot)angelo(dot)edu/services/library/handouts/peerrev.php.

You may use the following source to assist in your formatting your assignment: https://owl(dot)english(dot)purdue(dot)edu/owl/resource/560/01/.

For additional information on reliability of sources, review the following source: https://nccih(dot)nih(dot)gov/health/webresources.

This assignment will be graded based on the SLP assignment rubric.

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Essay Sample Content Preview:
The health program for inner-city patients with Type 2 diabetes will be completed in eight months. The program will start on March 1st. The first two months will focus on organizing the educational program and materials needed. Data collection on the program components will occur in the third month. Also, in the third and fifth month, the planners will spend time visiting patients and families to educate them about diet and show them practical exercises they can incorporate in daily routine. The sixth month will focus on helping patients to check their eligibility and apply for Medicate or Medicaid. Evaluating the success of the program will occur on the seventh and eighth month. The program will close November 1st.
Short-Term Goals
* Patients will start incorporating more vegetables, fruits, whole grains, eliminate sugar, and read food labels to estimate the calories they consume in each meal within 30 days. Sami et al. (2017) argue that observing a proper diet when managing diabetes remains key in controlling blood sugar levels. The focus of this short-term goal is to ensure that patients in inner city Buffalo understand the value of a proper diet when managing diabetes. Most patients from inner city with diabetes experience complications because of poor diet choices. For example, a patient assumes that it is safe to sneak in processed foods such as pizza, fries, and cholate each day without significant consequences.
* Diabetic patients will deliberately incorporate thirty to forty-five minutes of exercise each day within 14 days. In many cases, it is possible to incorporate physical exercise into daily routine. Campbell and Egede (2020) argue that most people from inner cities may find it financially straining to enroll in a gym. However, physical activity can be incorporated into day-to-day activities such as walking the dog, taking a walk to the nearest mall, taking the stairs instead of the escalator or lift, and add movement while doing house chores. The variety of physical activity would provide sufficient workout to maintain a healthy weight without incurring any cost.
* Diabetes patients from inner cities in Buffalo will develop a plan for medication reminder within 14 days. In many instances, most patients forget to take the insulin shots and comply with other medications, increasing their risk of diabetic complications (Zheng et al., 2019). The education program will educate patients how to develop a pill box and purchase an affordable device that can set a remember to take medications. The device can be placed somewhere conspicuous within the house or near the front door so that it become easier to remember. Working with the patients to show them how to adhere to medications will ensure their well-being.
Long-Term Goals
* Patients will make deliberate choices to improve self-management diabetes within a year as evident in low levels of complications recorded in the local clinics. Self-care behaviors are important when dealing with diabetes because it can easily lead to complications (Zheng et al., 2019). Once a patient leaves the physicians’ office, their health is in their hands. However, most have limited health literacy that can hinder understanding of the risks they may face if they do not adopt prope...
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