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Benchmark - Constructing the Written Evidence-Based Proposal: Final

Essay Instructions:

In this assignment, students will pull together the change proposal project components they have been working on throughout the course to create a proposal inclusive of sections for each content focus area in the course. At the conclusion of this project, the student will be able to apply evidence-based research steps and processes required as the foundation to address a clinically oriented problem or issue in future practice.
To writer : my proposal change is creating better habits for non-compliant diabetic patients through an effective education program. I would like to create a program that teaches nurses how to properly educate these patients, as well as follow up with patients within the community.
Students will develop a 1,250-1,500 word paper that includes the following information as it applies to the problem, issue, suggestion, initiative, or educational need profiled in the capstone change proposal:
Problem statement
Purpose of the change proposal
Literature search strategy employed
Evaluation of the literature
Applicable change or nursing theory utilized
Proposed implementation plan with outcome measures
Identification of potential barriers to plan implementation, and a discussion of how these could be overcome
Appendix section, if tables, graphs, surveys, educational materials, etc. are created
Make sure to review your instructor's feedback from the Topic 1 assignment, PICOT Statement Paper, and Topic 2 assignment, Literature Review. Use the feedback to make appropriate revisions to the portfolio components before submitting.
Share the proposal with a leader in your organization, such as a unit manager, department director, clinical supervisor, charge nurse, or clinical educator. Obtain feedback from the leader you have selected and request verification using the Capstone Review Form. Submit the signed Capstone Review Form 
Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center.
This assignment uses a rubric. Please review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion.
You are required to submit this assignment to Turnitin. Please refer to the directions in the Student Success Center. An abstract is required.
Note: All Capstone Projects are to be submitted to the College. Please submit the Capstone Project Copyright and Distribution Form as well as an electronic copy of the Capstone Project itself 

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Constructing The Written Evidence-Based Proposal: Final
Student’s Name
Supervisor’s Name
Background to the study
Diabetes is a chronic disorder that involves a very complex process of treatment and caring of patients suffering from both type 1 and type 2 conditions, especially for the elder group. This calls for the patient to learn to exercise self-monitoring of their sugar level, dietary notifications, exercise and the administration of insulin among other medications. When patients decide to default on the prescribed treatment schedule it creates a problem as this is a chronic illness. In the recent years, there have been various interventions to ensure adherence CITATION AMD07 \l 1033 (Delamater, 2007). All these studies, like the Diabetes Control and Complication Trial and others have shown that to achieve an optimal glucose level patients have to be under the therapy of adherence, diet measures and exercises to minimize the long term complications that come with non-adherence.
Barnes, et al. (2004) defines adherence as the ‘active and voluntary collaborative engagement of patients in an acceptable behavior course to come up with a therapeutic results. " with regard to this project, it has been realized that non-adherence is most common among the elder group, making the required 77% optimal glycemic control a challenge. The following change project proves that some of the reasons or non-adherence included the age, gender, family factors, duration of the disease, the poor relationship between the patient and service provider, financial challenges and side effects caused by the medication CITATION RDB01 \l 1033 (Blanca, Blanca, & Ernesto, 2001). Various researchers have tried to come up with methods that ensure adherence especially in type 1 Diabetes Mellitus; some which have been self-monitoring of the blood glucose level using a glucometer and usage of insulin through an insulin pump. There are other measures for elder groups like structured interviews, self-reports and patient questionnaires CITATION PSC01 \l 1033 (Ciechanowski, Katon, Russo, & Walker, 2001).
There is however, a lot to explore and implement regarding adherence among elder groups as the healthcare delivery is different from the other age groups. There is also need to collect more data on patient non-adherence among elder groups. This is because once better adherence is achieved, then there will be an improved treatment of elder diabetic groups, reduction of the cost of healthcare and realistic intervention outcomes. In this regard, this project aims at creating better habits for the non-compliant diabetic patients using an effective education program CITATION PSC01 \l 1033 (Ciechanowski, Katon, Russo, & Walker, 2001). The program will also involve teaching nurses on mechanisms they can use to educate patients and ensure follow up in the communities.
Problem Statement
Among the common chronic illnesses, diabetes continues to be a global health problem which though preventable, has devastating consequences for patients who fail to adhere to medication. Diabetes is characterized by high blood glucose levels that result from defects in production of insulin, its action or combined. The global rates of type 2 diabetes is expected to stand at 36.6 million by 2030. A decade ago there were 23.6 million of people who had type 2 diabetes. Of this 12 million were men while 11 million were women. The rate is estimated to have grown by 40% over the years CITATION CDC07 \l 1033 (CDC, 2007).
This calls for an organized mechanism that can assist patients to take control of their condition and improve quality of life through additional support from the nurses and caregivers and education or patients diagnosed with diabetes, especially those at the old age. Even though new discoveries and treatments methods are found, there is still a problem with self-management of the treatment for most patients, sadly for some, it has resulted in death. One of the major cause for non-adherence also has to do with the nurses and the caregivers. There is still lack of adherence education on the patient and caregiver management of diabetes as well as prevention. Most nurses would provide patients will inadequate information on self-management of diabetes which puts them at an elevated risk as many people, especially the old patients will not be conversant with the information CITATION PSC01 \l 1033 (Ciechanowski, Katon, Russo, & Walker, 2001). For those patients who are conversant, they may also lack funds to manage diabetes, most of them may not access machines for treatment and management of the condition.
Purpose Of The Change Proposal
With regard to the above problem, the purpose of this change proposal is to come up with a program that will teach and encourage nurses through support systems to properly educate non-adherence patients and follow up these patients in the communities. This, in the end, will create change that creates better habits for the non-adherence patients through the program.
Literature On Strategies Employed
According to Blanca, et al. (2001), one of the program strategies that work for patients is establishing diabetics peer support groups within the hospital and other healthcare centers. In this support groups, the nurses and patients are able to engage with one another while they share very valuable information on challenges faced in treatment and management. Blanca, et al. (2001) adds that during peer ...
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