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Being Healthy in a Modern World

Essay Instructions:

What is Health?300 words

Explain the Importance of Health in the Society.500 words

Find ,present and discuss some interesting statistics for the population of the united kingdom relating to mental health. 200 words

Resources will be; World Health Organisation(WHO),



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Being Healthy in a Modern World
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What is Health?
Health is a common term that gives a general understanding of balance and well-being. It refers to a state where one is physically, socially, mentally, and emotionally balanced (World Health Organization, 2022). Caring for one's health is a practice that ensures the maintenance of an optimal health state. Having good health enables one to be productive in society. One is able to find meaning and purpose in life. Additionally, high healthcare costs are saved since one will not frequent the hospital for treatment.
Types of health include mental and physical health, spiritual health, financial health, and emotional health. Good health in all these sectors can reduce stress and anxiety and improve physical and mental wellness (World Health Organization, 2022). For example, a financially stable person has less worry about accessing and acquiring other vital basic commodities. Additionally, a person with a high spiritual orientation feels calm and has a purpose in life. Good spiritual health leads to mental wellness.
Having good physical health means that the person is able to have all organs in their body function optimally. However, this does not mean that the person lacks disease or potential for disease. Factors contributing to good physical health include regular physical exercise, optimal nutrition, and adequate rest. When physical health is not balanced, people are obliged to receive medical treatment. Having good mental health means that a person is emotionally, socially, and psychologically balanced. Mental and physical health ensures that an individual has an active and fulfilling lifestyle.
Several factors influence health and wellness. They include genetic or hereditary characteristics and environmental orientation. Genetic patterns may cause one to have good or poor health following genes inherited from parents (World Health Organization, 2022). Environmental factors that influence health include economic and social characteristics, physical surroundings, and the characteristics and behaviour of a person. Environmental factors such as pollutants affect health by causing illnesses such as respiratoty distress, heart illnesses, and cancer (GOV.UK, n.d). Individuals who have low economic and social statuses are lkely to experience more of these negative effects than those with high social and economic statuses. Expectant women, children, and the elderly are at an elevated risk of health problems due to environmental pollution (GOV.UK, n.d).
Importance of Health in the Society
Health is an expensive asset that cannot be underrated. Good health is equivalent to happiness and the general well-being of a person. When the society has most of its individuals in good health, there is visible economic growth since healthy people are more productive (The Health Foundation, 2018). Society should be trained to value health in ways that project on good dietary habits, hygiene and sanitation, adequate and good shelter, and getting adequate sleep.
Health is paramount since it enables the society members to care for themselves, the nation, and the entire community. When a large part of society is deprived of their health, they are unable to carry out their responsibilities and duties. The effect is felt at the family and society levels at large. Ill health makes society members dependent on other people since they can no longer meet their basic needs. On the other hand, when a large part of a society is healthy and strong, productivity elevates in different aspects of life. Society is able to depend on itself. Productive and energetic men are an anchor for the economic wellness of any given society.
Health is important in ...
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