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Baltimore Community Focusing on Vulnerable Populations and Impact of Nursing Activities

Essay Instructions:

Week 5 Application Rubric: Community Assessment Paper
Due by Day 7 of Week 5.
For this paper, please based it on the county in which I live which is Baltimore County in the state of Maryland, USA.
For this Application Assignment, write a 3- to 4-page paper assessing the community in which you live, including your observations from the windshield assessment.
Use the following guidelines and evaluation criteria to guide your assessment. Include in your assessment the demographics, vital statistics, environmental issues, any occupational health hazards, the vulnerable populations in your community, and the resources available to serve those populations and others. Use the headings below for each section. Use a minimum of five references from the professional nursing literature in the assigned course readings and other references in the Walden Library. If they are relevant, you may use one or two professional Web sites in addition to the literature references.
o Overview—20 points
Begin this project with a brief paragraph that provides an overview of the assignment and its purpose. There is no separate heading for this paragraph; the heading for this paragraph is the same as the title of the paper. This paragraph will be about 2–3 sentences. The last sentence in this paragraph is a sentence that begins "The purpose of this paper is to…”
o Overview of the Community—50 points
Summarize the statistics and demographics of your community. Include an assessment of any environmental and occupational hazards as well. Incorporate pertinent information from the windshield assessment. This section will be 3–4 paragraphs.
o Vulnerable Populations—30 points
Outline the vulnerable populations in your community. Include a summary of the services available to meet the needs of those populations. Include other services available in your community to meet the needs of residents. This section will be 3–4 paragraphs.
o Impact on Nursing—30 points
Explain the community/public health nursing opportunities present in your community. Include how the vulnerable population, environmental or occupational hazards may impact the role of the BSN nurse in the community. This section will be 2–3 paragraphs.
o Summary—20 points
End the paper with a 1-paragraph summary of the importance of a solution to the identified practice-based problem that is based on evidence and a 1-paragraph summary of the main points of the paper.
o Format/style
Proofread the paper as described in the tips for success in this course and correct any typos, grammar, spelling, punctuation, syntax, or APA format errors before submitting your paper. Up to 40 points can be deducted from the grade for this assignment for these types of errors, or for not using at least the minimum number of required references.
Total possible points for assignment = 150 points
When completed, save the Assignment according to the instructions in the Assignment area. Submit this assignment via the Assignment submission link..
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-Course Text: Public Health Nursing: Population-Centered Health Care in the Community
◦Chapter 7, "Cultural Diversity in the Community"
This chapter focuses on cultural competency and its effect on nursing. It discusses challenges to providing health care for diverse patients as well as methods for assessing one's own cultural awareness.
◦Chapter 16, "Using Health Education and Groups to Promote Health"
Chapter 16 centers on the interaction of individuals in a community setting as it relates to health education. The author explains how education and learning, when used within groups, can help attain community health goals.
Chapter 18, "Community as Client: Assessment and Analysis"
In Chapter 18, the authors classify a community by its category, or typology (e.g., community of action capability, community of identifiable need). The chapter defines community health and offers strategies for improving it. Assessment, planning, and evaluation are three important steps in community-focused nursing.
-Douglas, M. K., Rosenkoetter, M., Pacquiao, D. F., Callister, L. C., Hattar-Pollara, M., Lauderdale, J., & ... Purnell, L. (2014). Guidelines for Implementing Culturally Competent Nursing Care. Journal Of Transcultural Nursing, 25(2), 109-121. doi:10.1177/1043659614520998 Retrieved from Walden University Library databases.
-Douglas, M. K., Pierce, J. U., Rosenkoetter, M., Pacquiao, D., Callister, L. C., Hattar-Pollara, M., & ... Purnell, L. (2011). Standards of Practice for Culturally Competent Nursing Care: 2011 Update. Journal Of Transcultural Nursing, 22(4), 317-333. doi:10.1177/1043659611412965 Retrieved from Walden University Library databases.
-Alfano-Sobsey, E., Ledford, S. L., Decosimo, K., & Horney, J. A. (2014). Community health needs assessment in Wake County, North Carolina: partnership of public health, hospitals, academia, and other stakeholders. North Carolina Medical Journal, 75(6), 376-383. Retrieved from Walden University Library databases.
Web Sites
-Occupational Safety and Health Administration
Explore the information and resources provided at this Web site and the role of OSHA in reducing occupational health hazards.
Optional Resources
-Course Text: Public Health Nursing: Population-Centered Health Care in the Community
◦Chapter 15, "Evidence Based Practice"
◦Chapter 25, "Program Management"
◦Chapter 26, "Quality Management"
Course Text: Public Health Nursing: Population-Centered Health Care in the Community
◦Chapter 27, "Family Development and Family Nursing Assessment"
This segment of the textbook focuses on family demographics, function, structure, and their impact on familial health and development. Chapter 27 presents an overview of four theoretical frameworks for family nursing: Structure-Function Theory, Systems Theory, Developmental Theory, and Interactionist Theory. Additionally, the Outcome Present-State Testing Model is presented as a dynamic process that stresses the importance of care outcome.
◦Chapter 28, "Family Health Risks"
This chapter expands upon topics discussed in Chapter 28 by explaining major risks (biological and behavioral) to family health, the relationships between individual, family, and community health, as well as the effects of governmental policy on families.
◦Chapter 29, "Child and Adolescent Health"
Chapter 29 concentrates solely on nursing services for youth. This section focuses on child development, nutrition, immunizations, major and current issues involving youth, in addition to nursing care for vulnerable populations.
-Kazemi, D. M., Levine, M. J., Dmochowski, J., Nies, M. A., & Sun, L. (2013). Effects of Motivational Interviewing Intervention on Blackouts Among College Freshmen. Journal Of Nursing Scholarship, 45(3), 221-229. doi:10.1111/jnu.12022
Retrieved from the Walden University Library Databases
-Backholer, K., Beauchamp, A., Ball, K., Turrell, G., Martin, J., Woods, J., & Peeters, A. (2014). A Framework for Evaluating the Impact of Obesity Prevention Strategies on Socioeconomic Inequalities in Weight. American Journal Of Public Health, 104(10), e43-50. doi:10.2105/AJPH.2014.302066
Retrieved from the Walden University Library Databases
-Okorodudu, D. E., Bosworth, H. B., & Corsino, L. (2014). Innovative interventions to promote behavioral change in overweight or obese individuals: A review of the literature. Annals Of Medicine, Annals of medicine, (0), 1-7. doi:10.3109/07853890.2014.931102
Retrieved from the Walden University Library Databases
Optional Resources Readings
-Course Text: Public Health Nursing: Population-Centered Health Care in the Community
◦Chapter 27, "Women's and Men's Health"
◦Chapter 28, "Health of Older Adults"

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Community assessment in Baltimore, Maryland
Community assessment
There are various variables that can be used to describe the community of Baltimore County in Maryland. The unique features of this population can be identified from statistics such as demographics, vulnerable populations, environmental issues, and occupational hazards. This paper examines the situation of the community in Baltimore with a focus on vulnerable populations and the impact of nursing activities. The paper ends in a summary of the solutions to the problems identified in the community.
Overview of the community
Being the third most populous County in Maryland State, Baltimore has various programs aimed at strengthening the communities. These programs include housing rehabilitation, lead hazard reduction and foreclosure prevention (Douglas et. al, 2009). The estimated population as at 2014 was 622,793 people, with 6.7% of the population under five years. The County has 52.1% female population with an aging population of 12.3%. The majority of the residents in the county are African Americans who make up to 63%. The level of literacy in the County is relatively high where about 80% of the population of people under the age of 25 years has attained high school education (Backholer et. al, 2014). The home ownership rate is not as high as I other states with only 48% of the residents living in their own homes. Each household accommodates a minimum of two persons. The level of poverty in the region is high because about 23% of the residents live below the poverty line. The average number of persons living under poverty line in the state is only 9%, implying that the level of poverty in the County is quite high.
Vulnerable populations
The County has relatively higher population of people below the poverty line, drug addicts and homeless people. In 2011, the number of adolescents and adults aged between 13 and 25 living on their own was 640 (Backholer et. al, 2014). The major reasons that led to the homelessness of these children is broken families and relationships. There are various initiatives that have since been put in place to address the issue of homelessness. These initiatives include the Homeless Census Count aimed at ensuring that the provision of services to the homeless children is enhanced. The growing life expectancy has led to a rise in the number of Baltimore residents who are aged above 60 years old (Stanhope & Lancaster, 2008). The aging population is vulnerable since it is rarely involved in economic activities that may generate finance to cater for their basic needs. There are also disabled young adults who cannot work due to metal, physical or both problems. The police department as well as the department for social services in the County helps these vulnerable populations and their families.
Impact on nursing
The role of nurses in the region is crucial to ensure that a healthy population. There are both the...
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