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2 pages/≈550 words
Health, Medicine, Nursing
English (U.S.)
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Prenatal Stress Does Affect the Baby Being born Later on in Life

Essay Instructions:

Thought Paper Instructions and Marking Rubric
Consists of a one to two page (MAX) ‘thought paper’ (essay format) on a topic of your choice, drawn from a topic covered in class, or on an issue that stems from something discussed in class. Present an argument around this issue (i.e. choose a debateable perspective and argue for or against). 
This is important: Have a main point to make (an argument) and support it with evidence from class material (and/or articles)!
Write about anything that strikes you as being important or controversial, or unique and interesting. You must include information from at least two peer reviewed articles to substantiate your paper in some way.
Should not be a summary of an article or lecture
All sources should be properly referenced using APA style. References need to appear on a separate page (does not count in the two page requirement). Refer to your APA manual, which will provide a detailed instruction guide on how this should be done, or to the Owl Purdue website (cited in the course outline). 
The assignment is worth 10 % of your grade, consisting of equal marks for both content and style.


-APA Formatting: proper referencing, font

(12pt), type (Times New Roman), and adherence to page limit. 

-organization of the paper (it is well organized; does it ‘flow’)

-writing style: clarity of expression, as

evidenced by paragraph structure, sentence structure, grammar, punctuation, spelling

(5 marks)


-clear, convincing, and explicit argument presented

-opposing perspective briefly addressed and refuted

-evidence presented from film is clear and relevant to argument

-evidence presented from peer reviewed articles is clear and relevant to argument

(5 marks)

Please write on Why you think Prenatal Stress is bad for upcoming youths in society.

my main central argument is focusing on those two articles. I am agreeing with them.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Prenatal Stress Does affect the baby being born later on in life
Student Name
Prenatal stress does affect the growth of the child born under such conditions later in life. Stress can be defined as a response to a pressure or tension with variety of causative agents. The response by the body is controlled by the body nervous system and varies from individual to individual, but the overall effects on the unborn child are similar. If the stress levels are not controlled within the allowable limits for an expectant mother, the effects will be transferred to the unborn child, for example, incomplete development of the child’s body systems and also a toll on the mother’s body.
Usually, during the occurrence of a stressful situation, the automatic nervous system primes the body inhibiting non-necessary processes like digestion, body repair and even reproduction. All these responses are perpetrated by the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis (HPA). During the growth of the unborn child in the mother’s womb, it also develops its HPA (though not attaining full maturity not until after birth) while the mother’s HPA is the supreme one in this case (Tess Lefmann, 2014). Therefore, if she is faced with a stressful situation or is under stress, her HPA will control her reaction to the stress which would involve reduced digestion rate, level of blood flow rate and even the secretion of the placental Cortico Releasing Factor (CRH). Reduced digestion rate will affect the synthesis of nutrients vital for the child’s growth; coupled with low level of blood flow rate, the unborn child will be restricted to the amount of nutrients it receives hindering the full development of its organs and body parts (Olena Babenko, 2014). The effects will be aggravated if the mother is continually exposed to stress/stressful conditions during the pregnancy period and may contribute to undue delivery and children being born underweight. On the positive ...
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