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Article Analysis and Evaluation of Research Ethics

Essay Instructions:

Article Analysis and Evaluation of Research Ethics

Search the GCU Library and find one new health care article that uses quantitative research. Do not use an article from a previous assignment, or that appears in the Topic Materials or textbook.

Complete an article analysis and ethics evaluation of the research using the "Article Analysis and Evaluation of Research Ethics" template. See Chapter 5 of your textbook as needed, for assistance.

While APA style is not required for the body of this assignment, solid academic writing is expected, and documentation of sources should be presented using APA formatting guidelines, which can be found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center.

This assignment uses a rubric. Please review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion.

References should be three to five

Please Follow the Rubric well, Thank you.

RUBRIC: Course Code Class Code Assignment Title Total Points

HLT-362V HLT-362V-OL191 Article Analysis and Evaluation of Research Ethics 140.0

Criteria Percentage 1: Unsatisfactory (0.00%) 2: Less Than Satisfactory (65.00%) 3: Satisfactory (75.00%) 4: Good (85.00%) 5: Excellent (100.00%) Comments Points Earned

Content 100.0%

Article (Quantitative, APA Citation and Permalink) 5.0% The article presented does not use quantitative research. N/A N/A N/A The article presented is based on quantitative research.

Article Citation and Permalink 5.0% Article citation and permalink are omitted. Article citation and permalink are presented. There are significant errors. Page numbers are not indicated to cite information, or the page numbers are incorrect. Article citation and permalink are presented. Article citation is presented in APA format, but there are errors. Page numbers to cite information are missing, or incorrect, in some areas. Article citation and permalink are presented. Article citation is presented in APA format. Page numbers are used in to cite information. There are minor errors. Article citation and permalink are presented. Article citation is accurately presented in APA format. Page numbers are accurate and used in all areas when citing information.

Broad Topic Area/Title 5.0% Broad topic area and title are omitted. Broad topic area and title are referenced but are incomplete. Broad topic area and title are summarized. There are inaccuracies. Broad topic area and title are presented. Hypothesis is generally defined. There are some minor inaccuracies. Broad topic area and title are fully presented and accurate.

Problem Statement 5.0% Problem statement is omitted or incorrect. Problem statement is referenced but is incomplete. Problem statement is partially presented. There are inaccuracies. Problem statement is summarized. There are some minor inaccuracies. Problem statement is accurate and clearly summarized.

Purpose Statement 5.0% Purpose statement is omitted or incorrect. Purpose statement is referenced but is incomplete. Purpose statement is partially presented. There are inaccuracies. Purpose statement is summarized. There are some minor inaccuracies. Purpose statement is accurate and clearly summarized.

Research Questions 5.0% Research questions are omitted or incorrect. Research questions are partially presented. N/A N/A Research questions are presented and accurate.

Define Hypothesis (Or state the correct hypothesis based upon variables used.) 5.0% Definition of hypothesis is omitted. The definition of the hypothesis is incorrect. Hypothesis is summarized. There are major inaccuracies or omissions. Hypothesis is generally defined. There are some minor inaccuracies. Hypothesis is defined. Hypothesis is generally defined. There are some minor inaccuracies. Hypothesis is accurate and clearly defined

Identify Variables and Type of Data for Variables 5.0% Variable type and data for variable are omitted. Variable type and data for variable are presented. There are major inaccuracies or omissions. Variable type and data for variable are presented. There are inaccuracies. Variable type and data for variable are presented. Minor detail is needed for accuracy. Variable type and data for variable are presented and accurate.

Population of Interest for Study 5.0% Population of interest for the study is omitted. Population of interest for the study is presented. There are major inaccuracies or omissions. Population of interest for the study is presented. There are inaccuracies. Population of interest for the study is presented. Minor detail is needed for accuracy. Population of interest for the study is presented and accurate.

Sample 5.0% Sample is omitted. Sample is presented. There are major inaccuracies or omissions. Sample is presented. There are inaccuracies. Sample is presented. Minor detail is needed for accuracy. Page citation for sample information is provided. Sample is presented and accurate. Page citation for sample information is provided.

Sampling Method 5.0% Sampling method is omitted. Sampling method is presented. There are major inaccuracies or omissions. Sampling method is presented. There are inaccuracies. Page citation for sample information is omitted. Sampling method is presented. Minor detail is needed for accuracy. Sampling method is presented and accurate.

Identify Data Collection 5.0% How data were collected is not identified. How data were collected is presented but is incorrect. How data were collected is partially presented. There are inaccuracies or omissions. How data were collected is identified. There are minor inaccuracies How data were collected is fully identified and accurate.

Summary of Data Collection Approach 5.0% The means of data collection are omitted. The means of data collection are referenced. There are major inaccuracies or omissions. The means of data collection are presented. There are inaccuracies. Page citation for sample information is omitted. The means of data collection are summarized. Minor detail is needed for accuracy. Page citation for sample information is provided. The means of data collection are thoroughly summarized and accurate. Page citation for sample information is provided.

Data Analysis 5.0% Data analysis is omitted. Data analysis is incomplete. Not all types of statistical tests used for the variables are indicated. The types of statistical tests listed are incorrect or unrelated to the variables indicated. Data analysis is summarized. Types of statistical tests used for the variables are indicated. There are inaccuracies or omissions. Data analysis is generally discussed. Types of statistical tests used for the variables are indicated. There minor inaccuracies. Data analysis is discussed. Types of statistical tests used for the variables are all indicated and accurate.

Summary Results of Study 5.0% Summary of the results of the study is omitted or incorrect. The results of the study are partially presented. There are major inaccuracies or omissions. More information is needed. The results of study are summarized. There are some inaccuracies. Some information or rationale is needed for support. The results of study are summarized. Minor detail or information is needed for accuracy or clarity. The results of study are well summarized. The summary is accurate and clearly represents the results of the study.

Summary Assumptions and Limitations 10.0% Identification of assumptions and limitations by the author is omitted. Summary of potential assumptions and limitations not listed by the author is omitted or not relevant to the study. Some assumptions and limitations from the article are identified. Other potential assumptions and limitations not listed by the author are partially presented. Significant information is needed. Most assumptions and limitations from the article are identified. Other potential assumptions and limitations not listed by the author are summarized. There are some inaccuracies. More information or rationale is needed for support. Assumptions and limitations from the article are identified and accurate. Potential assumptions and limitations not listed by the author are summarized. Some information or rationale is needed for support. Assumptions and limitations from the article are identified and accurate. Potential assumptions and limitations not listed by the author are summarized. Strong rationale is provided to support summary.

Summary of Ethical Considerations 10.0% Summary of ethical considerations is omitted. Ethical considerations related to sampling, collecting data, analyzing data, and publishing results are incomplete. There are major inaccuracies or omissions. Significant information and rationale are needed to support summary. Ethical considerations related to sampling, collecting data, analyzing data, and publishing results are presented. There are some inaccuracies. Some information and rationale are needed to support summary. Ethical considerations related to sampling, collecting data, analyzing data, and publishing results are summarized. The ethical considerations summarized are reasonable. Some rationale or evidence are needed to support summary. Ethical considerations related to sampling, collecting data, analyzing data, and publishing results are clearly summarized. The ethical considerations summarized are reasonable. Strong rationale and support are provided.

Mechanics of Writing (includes spelling, punctuation, grammar, and language use) 5.0% Surface errors are pervasive enough that they impede communication of meaning. Inappropriate word choice or sentence construction is employed. Frequent and repetitive mechanical errors distract the reader. Inconsistencies in language choice (register) or word choice are present. Sentence structure is correct but not varied. Some mechanical errors or typos are present, but they are not overly distracting to the reader. Correct and varied sentence structure and audience-appropriate language are employed. Prose is largely free of mechanical errors, although a few may be present. The writer uses a variety of effective sentence structures and figures of speech. The writer is clearly in command of standard, written, academic English.

Total Weightage 100%

Essay Sample Content Preview:

(Strategies for Delivering Value-Based Care)
Institution Affiliation
Article Analysis and Evaluation of Research Ethics
Article Citation and Permalink

Article 1
Sanjula Jain, Ph.D., Kenneth E. Thorpe, Ph.D., Jason M. Hockenberry, Ph.D., Richard
B. Saltman, Ph.D., (2019). Strategies for Delivering Value-Based Care. Do Care Management Practices Improve Hospital Performance? Journal of Healthcare Management 64(6), 430-444.



Broad Topic Area/Title

The main subject is underlined in health care medicine and nursing while the broad research topic is all about Strategies for Delivering Value-Based Care.

Problem Statement

The research seeks to address and evaluate the efficiency concerns in value-based payments in healthcare services. It examines the relationship between implementation of the specific ways and methods enabling the practice of value-based care, the care management processes (CMPs), and hospital performance under value-based payment systems. Most patients desire to get services and care matching the costs that most of the time seems a big bone of contention in the industry. As such, there is a need to estimate the relationship between hospitals' implementation of CMPs and their performance relating to patient satisfaction, spending rates, value-based purchasing, readmission reduction, and clinical care outcomes.

Purpose Statement

The purpose of the study is to determine whether care management practices improve the performance of hospitals, giving references to the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services’ Hospital Comparison to the American hospitals Association’s Survey of Care Systems and Payment. The study strives to reward the quality of care provided over the number of services delivered proportionately. It takes the care providers into account for the outcomes from the whole continuum of care process by leveraging modest alternative payment models like medical homes and accountable care organizations (ACOs) to ensure familiarity with value-based care and service delivery.

Research Questions

The paper seeks to answer one big question that is; Do Care Management Practices Improve Hospital Performance?

Define Hypothesis

The study assumes that implementation of large-systems and value-based healthcare initiatives takes certain established protocol for the strategies and processes.
Also, the hypothesis that scaling the benefits from these care delivery models are organized around patients' medical conditions or segments that are Centered all-round partnership of /with the health care teams and the legal stakeholders cutting across. 

Identify Dependent and Independent Variables and Type of Data for the Variables

The dependent and independent variables were drawn from the two high-profile databases. The dependent study variables were from Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) Hospital, including all the hospital value-based performance measures, Patient Experience, and readmissions that aimed at identifying opportunities for reducing costs, improving quality of care, and increasing efficiency of care delivery. On the other hand, the confounding and explanatory variables were picked from the American Hospital Association (AHA). They included hospital characteristics, facility mortality rate, the safety of care, the effectiveness of care offered, timeliness of care, data transparency, and efficient use of medical imaging pointed towards the hospital quality improvement.
The data type found in the study depicts numeric data that is both continuous and discrete. Generally, counts in any information are referred to as discrete and measurements of any sort as continuous. For the statistical analysis, the research uses descriptive and inferential approaches to outlay the findings and results from the data samples. The study samples were restricted mainly to hospitals that had completed the Care Systems and Payment survey between 2013 and 2014. In the statistical analysis incorporation of central tendencies calculations featured mean, variances, quartile ranges, standard deviations, and the frequencies and displayed in tables 2, 3 & 4. With the inferential descriptions and discussion, we can deduce and predict the results. This assists in suggesting the explanation for the care management practices concerning healthcare performances. Finally, the conclusions are drawn on account of the wide extrapolations of the topic arising from the samples analyzed.

The population of Interest for Study

The implementation of health strategies on a population runs through to the outcome’s improvement and performance connection. While many hospitals define population health slightly differently, the primary aim that is to improve health results of patients and populations while upgrading efficiencies and cost reduction of the total expenditures. The target population for the study is quite on a general basis focused on the inpatients in the particular sampled facilities as provided by the study rationale.


The sample measures were taken frpm 29 total processes across five care management domains reflected in Table 1. These included the composite scores that were calculated by dividing the total number of processes used by the hospital across all domains specifically on 200 beds.

Sampling Method

The research takes several forms of sampling techniques, including simple random sampling, systematic sampling, and ...
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