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Drawing Conclusions from Different Scenarios

Essay Instructions:

Step 1 Consider the scenarios below.

Scenario 1: National Debt

-If the national debt exceeds 125% of the national GDP, the economy will suffer.

-The lawmakers in Washington are too engrossed in party politics to pay close attention to the economy.

Scenario 2: Smoking

-Decades of research have established a causal correlation between using tobacco and various forms of cancer.

-Sarah has been smoking cigarettes for over 30 years.

Scenario 3: Entertainment

-Records sales have been steadily declining over the last 15 years, largely due to the increased popularity of peer-to-peer file sharing networks.

-At the same time record sales are declining, the number of emerging artists releasing new music every week has skyrocketed. John has never even held an instrument and his record seems to be everywhere—what a phony!

Step 2 Draw and post scenario conclusions.

Review your course materials and then write three conclusions to the premises in each of the scenarios posted in Step 1.

Provide possible conclusions for the statements presented in scenarios 1 and 2. Based on the information provided, which of the two scenarios do you believe is more logical? Be sure to provide support for your choice.

Apply the concept of statements to scenario 3. Determine the presence of statement and non-statement. How are you able to classify one from the other?

How are you able to apply the concept of logical support to the scenarios presented in step 1? How else can you apply the concepts of logical support in everyday decision making?

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Argument Basics
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Argument Basics
Conclusion in Each Scenario
The first scenario features the correlation between national debt and economic stability. The conclusion that can be drawn from this scenario is that there is a need to cap the national debt to mark the necessary economic progress. Politicians play a primary role in confining national economic activities. Indulgence in partisan politics, hence, hurts their objectivity to make decisions that benefit a healthy debt index.
The second scenario assesses the correlation between tobacco consumption and the possibility of contracting cancer. Two conclusions can be drawn from the scenario. The first conclusion is that Sarah has contracted cancer, considering the amount of time that she has spent smoking. The second conclusion is that Sarah has no cancer based on other factors that contribute to susceptibility to cancer, including the amount of tobacco that an individual consumes in a day. The scenario does not showcase with clarity the weight of either conclusion.
The third scenario intimates that different factors apart from talent contribute to record sales presently. With little knowledge in music, an artist would be expected to deliver poor-quality albums, or people would be less interested in the songs if they are released. However, John is succeeding because factors such as social media presence, marketing, and strategic product positioning are factors to the success of artists in the present music industry. The conclusion in scenario 3 is that one requires more than just the talent to succeed in the present records sales industry.
Scenario 1 and 2
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