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Applying Ethical Frameworks in Practice (WHEN IS IT OK TO BREAK CONFIDENTIALITY)

Essay Instructions:
Details: Using \"Bioethics on NBC\'s ER: Betraying Trust or Providing Good Care? When Is It Ok to Break Confidentiality?,\" write a paper of 1,100 words in which you describe your professional position regarding patient confidentiality. 1. Explain the ethical implications of a breach of confidentiality. 2. Provide ethical theories and/or ethical principles (from among those introduced in your readings) to substantiate your position. 3. Identify a reasonable alternative to address the dilemma presented in the article using a framework of ethical decision making presented in lecture or in your readings. Explain the significance of applying this framework. 4. Explain how an ethics committee might approach the dilemma using ethical theories, principles, and a collaborative approach to ethical decision making. Prepare this assignment according to the APA guidelines found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center. An abstract is not required. This assignment uses a grading rubric. Instructors will be using the rubric to grade the assignment; therefore, students should review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the assignment criteria and expectations for successful completion of the assignment. This instructor grades using rubric, please writer should follow the 100% rubric grading for ensure full points. Rubric attached below! Applying Ethical Frameworks in Practice 1 Unsatisfactory 71.00% 2 Less Than Satisfactory 75.00% 3 Satisfactory 83.00% 4 Good 94.00% 5 Excellent 100.00% 80.0 %Content 10.0 %Explain the Ethical Implications of a Breach of Confidentiality Does not identify contextual features related to confidentiality. Does not distinguish among fact, opinion, and value judgments. Fails to identify implications and consequences of breach of confidentiality. Incomplete discussion of issue. Superficial analysis of ethical implications. Limited consideration of preexisting assumptions. Limited discussion of relevant context and exploration of implications. Identifies influence of assumptions, addressing ethical dimensions that underlie the issue. Relevant context and thorough discussion of issue. Analysis includes consideration of preexisting socially constructed assumptions. Identifies implications and consequences from a practice perspective. Analysis of issue is comprehensive. Explores confidentiality with global perspective, identifying underlying relationships between stakeholders and among socially constructed systems. 25.0 %Provide Ethical Theories and/or Ethical Principles to Substantiate Your Position Does not identify ethical theory and/or principle from readings. Does not present own perspective. Discussion is grounded in absolutes, with little or no acknowledgement of own bias. Applies ethical theory and/or principle to issue, though some aspects are incorrect or confusing. Key details and connections between theory and application are missing. Presents own perspective without justification, does not address other views. Applies ethical theory and/or principle with limited integration. Analysis is incomplete. Presents own perspective without justification. Integrates multiple viewpoints and comparisons of ideas or perspectives using ethical theory and/or principles as a framework. Identifies own position on issue, but justification and connection to theory are incomplete. Appropriately identifies own position on issue, drawing support from lecture content, experience, and information beyond assigned sources. Integrates ethical theory and/or principle to substantiate position. 25.0 %Identify a Reasonable Alternative to Address the Dilemma Does not adopt a decision-making framework. Presents a single perspective; alternatives are not addressed. Applies decision-making framework incorrectly. Confuses cause and correlation; presents ideas and alternatives in confused or confusing sequence. Does not explain significance of applying framework. Identifies alternatives with limited scope. Applies decision-making framework as foundation for selecting alternatives and justifying their application, given the context of the dilemma presented. Identifies alternatives that demonstrate relevance, accuracy, and completeness. Applies decision-making framework with clearly distinct correlations of relationships among ideas. Integrates decision-making framework in a complex process of judgment and justification with comprehensive discussion of implications for each alternative identified. Clearly articulates significance of framework with a thorough discussion of strengths and limitations. 20.0 %Explain How an Ethics Committee Might Approach the Dilemma Using Ethical Theories, Principles, and a Collaborative Approach to Ethical Decision Making Does not discuss role of ethics committee and potential alternatives or approaches to decision making. Misinterprets role of ethics committee in identifying reasonable solutions to ethical dilemmas. Discusses role of ethics committee but provides an incomplete discussion of the approach or process of determining reasonable alternatives. Distinguishes unique role of ethics committee as conduit for ethical decision making. Provides thorough discussion of approach used by committee to determine reasonable alternatives. Qualifies role and limitations of ethics committees in influencing the outcome of ethical decision making. Addresses the diverse perspectives drawn from a collaborative approach to problem solving. 15.0 %Organization and Effectiveness 5.0 %Thesis Development and Purpose Paper lacks any discernible overall purpose or organizing claim. Thesis and/or main claim are insufficiently developed and/or vague; purpose is not clear. Thesis and/or main claim are apparent and appropriate to purpose. Thesis and/or main claim are clear and forecast development of paper. It is descriptive and reflective of the arguments and appropriate to purpose. Thesis and/or main claim are comprehensive; contained within the thesis is the essence of the paper. Thesis statement makes the purpose of the paper clear. 5.0 %Paragraph Development and Transitions Paragraphs and transitions consistently lack unity and coherence. No apparent connections between paragraphs are established. Transitions are inappropriate to purpose and scope. Organization is disjointed. Some paragraphs and transitions may lack logical progression of ideas, unity, coherence, and/or cohesiveness. Some degree of organization is evident. Paragraphs are generally competent, but ideas may show some inconsistency in organization and/or in their relationships to each other. A logical progression of ideas between paragraphs is apparent. Paragraphs exhibit a unity, coherence, and cohesiveness. Topic sentences and concluding remarks are appropriate to purpose. There is a sophisticated construction of paragraphs and transitions. Ideas progress and relate to each other. Paragraph and transition construction guide the reader. Paragraph structure is seamless. 5.0 %Mechanics of Writing (includes spelling, punctuation, grammar, language use) Surface errors are pervasive enough that they impede communication of meaning. Inappropriate word choice and/or sentence construction are used. Frequent and repetitive mechanical errors distract the reader. Inconsistencies in language choice (register), sentence structure, and/or word choice are present. Some mechanical errors or typos are present, but are not overly distracting to the reader. Correct sentence structure and audience-appropriate language are used. Prose is largely free of mechanical errors, although a few may be present. A variety of sentence structures and effective figures of speech are used. Writer is clearly in command of standard, written, academic English. 5.0 %Format 2.0 %Paper Format (1- inch margins; 12-point-font; double-spaced; Times New Roman, Arial, or Courier) Template is not used appropriately or documentation format is rarely followed correctly. Template is used, but some elements are missing or mistaken; lack of control with formatting is apparent. Template is used, and formatting is correct, although some minor errors may be present. Template is fully used; There are virtually no errors in formatting style. All format elements are correct. 3.0 %Research Citations (In-text citations for paraphrasing and direct quotes, and reference page listing and formatting, as appropriate to assignment) No reference page is included. No citations are used. Reference page is present. Citations are inconsistently used. Reference page is included and lists sources used in the paper. Sources are appropriately documented, although some errors may be present. Reference page is present and fully inclusive of all cited sources. Documentation is appropriate and citation style is usually correct. In-text citations and a reference page are complete. The documentation of cited sources is free of error. 100 %Total Weightage Plagerized paper are not accepted by the school All aspect of the question should be addressed for this assignment to be graded.
Essay Sample Content Preview:

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Breach of confidentiality is one of the most debated issues in healthcare. Regardless of the fact that confidentiality should not be broken (in accordance with the Hippocratic Oath); there are some occasions which necessitate the confidentiality of a patient to be broken (Levit, 2009). Such occasions include cases where a patient may be diagnosed with an infectious disease that may affect the larger community. According to Sigler, (2008) the law requires that medical practitioners disclose information regarding such cases. Sigler goes ahead to assert that countries such as the United States have such provisions in their constitutions. The Pacific Reports, (2007) suggest that cases where patients are diagnosed with a disease or are in a situation that may cause harm or damage to them, the medical practitioners may be prompted to break the confidentiality rule. Such cases include a situation where a patient's health status is wanting and/or they are diagnosed of a disease which is quite grim, and it happens that the patient is in a coma. This will, at the appointed time, make the medical practitioners to reach out to his/her family and inform them of the state of affairs (Pacific Reports, 2007).
Naturally, the confidentiality of patients' information is a necessity when it comes to all the rules that guide conduct in healthcare settings. However, it is also natural and common to have cases where some of the private information regarding the patient is necessary to be given out to the public, to authorities and/or to the patient's family. Siegler, (2008) connotes that; patients may be unwilling to release full private details to medical practitioners given that, at some point, their confidentiality was breached. This includes instances where patients may be unwilling to seek medical assistance because they fear their privacy and confidential information may be disclosed to third parties. Aplin, (2012) affirms that breach of confidentiality is considered an intrusion or infringement of the privacy rights of a patient. Disclosing information about a patient's health status and/or any other private details is breach of confidentiality. Another ethical implication is that respect of confidentiality should be set in motion by the value that medical practitioners and other staff at healthcare facilities have for the patient. Primarily, breaking the confidentiality of a patient's privacy is an act of disrespecting the patient's rights and privacy. As it was noted earlier, patients tend to lose their trust in healthcare facilities due to breach of confidentiality. This means that it is fundamental for medical practitioners to respect the privacy rights of patients in order to win their trust.
According to Levit, (2009) it is provided for in the Hippocratic Oath that healthcare providers should respect privacy rights of the patients. Therefore, for healthcare to be practical and for treatment to be valuable, patients must have belief, trust and self-assurance in the system. This is as regards how private information about them during a diagnosis. Tom and Childress, (2004) emphasize this by asserting that, during diagnosis, the exercise should be carried out with total respect of the patient's privacy rights as it relates to healthcare rules and regulation that guide conduct. Tom and Childress go ahead to insist that private information includes the health status of the patient, their real names and gender. Conversely, confidential information regarding the patients can be disclosed in situations where the patient gives informed consent on the matter. This includes cases where third parties including the patient's relatives and other authorities have the capacity to know this information. Siegler, (2008) suggests that if a patient decides that his/her private details are given to his family or a particular authority, then the healthcare providers have the pow...
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